*before Nintendo's shareholders see it
*before Nintendo's shareholders see it
Sadly, the infection is spreading to other parts of the world....
I think everyone should factor in the cost of games (new and used) in the equation in addition to the initial cost of hardware and see what provides the best ROI (and peace of mind).
So seems like Japan will wait until 2014? :(
Video not viewable in Japan :/
This reminds of the historical-medical manga-based Japanese drama JIN (2 seasons) wherein a modern-day brain surgeon travels to the period just before the Meiji Restoration and meet, guess who, Ryoma Sakamoto (played by the kickass Masaaki Uchino).
Hmm, seems like MS is experimenting with what to do. I hope they will have time to finalize everything soon so they can ship enough consoles at launch.
Speaking of which... how's the plan of supporting a second gamepad shaping up to be?
Sonic 2's Final Boss music has been one of my favorite for a long time
Even the mighty Gorilla Glass crumbles in face of the mighty specks of sand trapped in one's pockets. Everyone should test for that.
I personally liked the movie. That said, it's directed by Miyazaki Jr. so I imagine it has been given the negative treatment just like his first movie (which I haven't seen yet).
For some strange reason, this video reminded me of the intro of Jurassic Park II (SNES)
I was really wondering about this after reading Lesson 15 in the 日本語 2nd ステップ textbook 2 days ago. The title of the lesson is 「線路わきのやぎ」 and it begins like this:
「わたしの勤めている駅にはやぎの親子がいます。 この親子が線路わきの草を食べてくれるので、わたしたちは草刈をする必要がありません。」
The book was first published in 1993.
It's Debito, what did you expect?
Not directly related but saw this CM earlier today
Each platform has its strength and weaknesses. Different games appeal to different people so everything said in this regard is subjective. Many of the features you mentioned are software-based so each side can add them in the future. Gaikai and the Cloud are not coming to the PS4 at launch so you can't have it as a…