
Boy are there going to be a lot of disappointed kids at Gawker HQ today.

Dad, that’s enough Maker’s Mark for one night. See, this is why Mom left with “Uncle” Kevin.

Nope. I’d rather spend that $$$ on a camper/RV with a car trailer. This just seems like a “because I could” project.

You’re right, I really don’t wonder. I’m sure he his.

I wonder if the thief is also a Bernie Bro like the stabber.

I am severely torn on this one...It’s awesome and I have a long standing love for the was the first “sports car” I ever had a ride in as a kid. Twenty three grand, though.

YEE-HAW....Aw shit!

That roof/door panel gap is giving me the heebie-jeebies. 20K? CP

If that’s a “show car” I’m going to show myself out.

And distinction between legal and illegal immigrant.

Don’t let yourself be hurt this time.

Jeez, who pissed in your cornflakes, champ?

Is this a real Saab or one of those fake “Saab-a-roo” abortions?

Nowadays, women only laugh at salads that vigorously.

No. Next question?


No matter how much you sex it up, it’s still a 1998 Explorer for $11,000.

Hey, this looks pretty goo...AUGH!!!!!!TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!

Sun rises, Political Pressure Group furious, demands change.