
It seems all above board as every file was stamped with this.

“OMG you guys, I have the biggest news. Oh wait. I can’t tell. Especially not to you, Bobby. You’ll tell everyone. Omg, it’s, like, huge! But I can’t tell. I’ll just sit here by the group and sigh a lot.”

I stayed with friends who had lived in London for 5 years, so I asked them for recommendations. One recommend the V&A. The others hadn’t seen anything. 5 years, but there was always something to override the National Gallery. Living there, being busy, in their minds it was a priority to get a cheap Easyjet flight to

Ok, get ready for the next Great Depression as I could view that as an a non-American. Economies will fall! I would have totally signed up for $80 per month cable with Uncy Rupert if I couldn’t see this, as no advertising is good advertising.

Cool story, bro. Now remind us how hard you had it as a guy with a “foreign” name. It’s racism! Not a cultural misunderstanding.

Yes to all of it, she’s bloody delightful.

Oh me too, with the bruising and the song. The sentiment is lovely, but it’s a bit shouty, and I hates cat/hat/shat phrasing, unless it’s Dr Suess.

Thank god I wasn’t able to view this, or I might have sought out legal ways to view the entire season in Australia. Instead I will continue to be oblivious or use illegal methods. Good job, Telstra. #Funpolicesinceinternetwasinvented #easiertodownloadthanusewhatyoureselling

Those crazy Australians. Our tomato sauce says “refrigerate”.

Is that Bill Lawrence from Scrubs? I don’t know how to Twitter or Insta or pin. If so, I would give him quite a lot of smiley faces with heart eyes, if I knew how to do that.

Only answering to vent... My mum’s side is wonderfully matriarchal. Nana was everything, with 3 girls and then 3 boys, with a lot of girl grandchildren. Sexism just didn’t exist on that side of the fam. We just were. My nana would boast about being the first woman in her town to wear pants a la Katherine Hepburn.

As I read it, 14 victims. Should have got at least 20 years for each one. That is the minimum these victims will suffer, to pick a number out of the air. He will not be fixed. He just might get better at covering his kick now he knows his profile works against him.

I touched her once and I’m dying from cooties. She has girl germs, and has had them for a long, long time. No fucking disclosure. It’s like she doesn’t give a shit, or at worst thinks cooties isn’t a real disease. Does she not know 1x1=2? I might be having her babby cos chemtrails made me itchy.

Ski...anse? Skinse? It's not even a word. Troll harder, skence troll.

Herp derp.

Nevermind that panicked civilians aren’t going to act like snipers, Donald Trump (talking about guns like a 4 year old who has just learnt the C-word) assumes that everybody want to have a gun and take it with them everywhere. Damn those foreign laws oppressing their gun-loving people.

Normally I'd be pretty pleased at the prospect of two dicks, but both these dicks just make me shake my head like a kid being airplaned broccoli.

The Australian government calls them Daesh too. Our moronic former PM preferred to just call them a death cult.

Exactly. It’s all very much new news, but I’m waiting to see the fallout in terms of who these arseholes were. I immediately assumed they were young French citizens with backgrounds from former French colonies. Disenfranchised with bad employment prospects. Angry young men looking to latch onto a cause.

Everything you said.