
It’s 1:15am here, I’ve had some wine and I don’t even understand if I want these napkins, or want to burn them. Napkins should not be a thing that confound your stance in life. Therefore 2/10. Did not get, ephemerally or literally.

Oh my gosh. What a shame about the cultural divide, because he sounds like SUCH a catch!

Haven’t scrolled down far enough yet, but he sounds like a Gen X Aussie dude. “Spunk” used to mean a good looking person, though it was mostly attributed to men. E.g. all the dudes in Duran Duran are spunks so I can’t pick a favourite!


I did an Easyjet flight from London to Paris and lashed out on quick boarding, so I was like a fancy person. I was in row 1 with some Argentian polo players who must have never flown before, because none of them had a pen to fill out customs forms. My pen, and my hopes, got quite the workout on that flight. The rest

But do the LEDs flash “that’s nice” to the passengers who board by stating their seat number rather than show their boarding pass? I give no shits where you’re sitting. I’m not mentally keeping a tally of who sits where. But I don’t know if the scanner at the gate is down and if you get on the wrong flight it’s not

I think the headline question was answered in the body of the text.

I’m not too familiar with those guys (Tyco Brahe is way too hipster) but I don’t mind a little Thucydides. I’m only familiar because I studied Ancient Rome and Greece in school, but it was my favourite subject. We would study by analysing the stories as one would the storylines in The Bold and the Beautiful. Our

My mum, at the ABBA concert in 1979. I was left in the care of my grandparents so Mum and Dad could go to the city to see ABBA. I only came across the photo recently and I’ve never seen my Mum look so glamorous. I wish wish wish I had the photo scanned onto my poot, because I know you’d all agree.

I grew up knowing she was stunning, as my Nanna told me she looked like her. My Nanna was never wrong. I lost my Nanna in 1993, so it was wonderful to see Lauren age and imagine Nanna aging so beautifully too.

Plutarch has always been in my theoretical top 5 dinner guests. Dude had the best goss.

Perfect! I am using this to describe her always... *yoink*

God, yes! She is mesmerising in Penny Dreadful and is maybe 80% of the reason I love the show. And yay for a beautiful woman with hooded eyes. Now if only I could work out how to emulate the rest of her.

Imagine the Doctor Who episode that could be “Hedy and The Doctor”. I would gladly see that!

So true. When I was bartending we would joke about it as “every tenth arsehole wins a prize!”

His dimple has been stretched clean off his chin, too. He was such a nice looking bloke. Now he looks like the Face of Bo.

Yup, this is the least crotchiest crotch I’ve come across in a while. All I saw was bewb-crease.

So, do they think that a hymen is like the foil seal on a yoghurt container?

They oughtta take a leaf from this book.... *sigh*

Here’s your girl! Lies flat, doesn’t complain and doesn’t know any better.