
But... the game isn't a FPS :(

You seem offended and/or upset over a video based on a video game.

Just when you think you've seen it all, this wizardry appears out of nowhere.

Cool i'll try this out.

Yeah, the nerf had to do with how much gold was dropped in total.

Very cool but I could of sworn this method was nerfed into the ground in one of the patches after 6.0.

*finishes watching the video*

Two posters I made back when the original PSN attack happened years ago, lol.


The music at the end reminds me of those typical early 90's movies with companies that run the world's tech showcasing something great all happy-go-lucky, then cut to a glitched out scene, and a message from "the other side" from a scrambled face, warning us of a cybernetic soldier war takeover and we only have

Bring it to PC ;)

is it really even Lego anymore? Don't mind me swinging my old man cane around when I say this but all these specialized pieces made specificly for the set really takes the imagination out of the whole "Lego Experience" does it not?

Neat. Let's hope something comes from this game that makes it memorable.

Great video, one thing this video doesn't show is the dark side of the client interaction.

Looks cool but I can't help but remember when I jumped on the touch screen hype via-Samsung Instinct, the worst phone experience I was stuck with for 2 years which came out before the first iPhone.

Well this is interesting.

If you claim a 3rd eye is being a sheep, you're a derp.

"Top Down, 5v5" sounds like a round about way of saying it's a MOBA without trying to seem like they're jumping on the hype train lol

Sony cashing in a possibly Moba-like game? GET OUT!