
Fact: Kirby wouldn't sound like a portland hipster, but a cute little fluffy english-not-so-good cutie pie, with less hatred in his heart for blowing his daddy's trust fund in 1 month.

Granted it's my opinion so I totally understand how it may not feel "fluid" to some, but in the realm of PvP especially, I personally feel the mechanics just make sense, the animations feel refined and abilities feel like you're pulling them off versus clunky, linear combat with semi-decent animations being executed

And suddenly, no one cared.


It's ground, rock, dirt Mars stuff.

Or, just use Chrome :D

But no All Seeing Eye?! How are we able to give praise to THEM?!

Ridiculously cool lightsaber*

Wasn't this movie done twice before? "Pirates of the Silicone Valley" and "Jobs?"

Project Bluebook: The Awakening.

Everything is 2 legit 2 quit.


Mister Fixer, please check your White Privilege.

True that.

Aw, you're being so cute with your false gauge of how funny you think you are!

I agree man, or just off online.

Man, you're really concerned about someone else's life. You okay? Wanna talk about it?

I checked the link and noticed some INSANE auto-aim when gunning down a random pedestrian on a bike - I hope it tones down against real players online, or else it'll just be a who sees who first scenario everytime.

I'm so damn excited!

Here's a nice laundry list of changes from wowhead. Check the middle.