
@shouryuuken: After the PSP Go, I doubt they'll call it the Nintendo Go.

@data_enabler: Well, that depends on the rest of the game. If you let points be shared over the whole grid, people might be more inclined to experiment with different classes, since you can power up a class a bit before you actually put it into use. On the other hand, it might also keep some people from experimenting

@tsukasa1288: Well, yeah. It IS a nice system, nobody's denying that! As with the iPad, though, the price is what's keeping me from wanting one.

@epherlite: It's an Ace Attorney game, and that's pretty much it. The investigation bits are more focused now that you don't have to click between a bunch of locations in the hopes of stumbling upon the right person to talk to, but otherwise? It's par for the course.

@Rockopotamus: To me, getting access to a new game was always special, simply because it was a new game. I'd rent games and play the hell out of them, even if they weren't all that special. Why? Because I would only be able to get new games for Christmas, and for my birthday.

@roughneck117: If you own the original game, it's a grey area, I think.

@MtlAngelus: If you haven't played FF7, then yeah, getting that one is pretty much a necessity just to know your gaming history. Like it or not, it's one of those Important Games. Mind you, I think you'll want to play it on a small screen, like on a PSP... Those graphics do NOT look good blown up.

The "balancing on girders" screen reminds me that I'm glad they took out girder-balancing from God of War 3. At least as far as I've gotten.

@mind in rewind: Get "Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles" for the PSP, and you'll have portable versions of what's widely considered the two best 2D Castlevanias.

@murat8: Didn't you know? They sparkle in the sun nowadays.

@Killer Toilet: As Beril said, Castlevania Adventure Rebirth for Wiiware is what you're looking for.

Dangit. With that Engrish-sounding main title, I keep reading the subtitle as "Let's Cooking".

@SillyWalker: Capcom did it well, too, with SSF4. Sure, the whole roster was leaked from the start, but they still managed to keep things fresh. And then they went and introduced Hakan. Oh, glorious Hakan. You love your daughters so much. They are so pretty.

@Shrewsbury: The trouble with boring games is that I forget about them, since I don't play them for long before getting bored and switching to a different game.

@Letiumtide: Why are you complaining? I love it when advertising gets nonsensical.

@ClaudioIphigenia: Giant Pikachu throws his own crap at villagers. You punish him with a smack of your disembodied hand. Doesn't get much simpler than that, as long as you ignore that there's some sort of morality system where he turns into a Raichu if he steps on too many people.

@Pwalex: On the one hand, it's poetic justice, because he DID put the car where it was in a most nefarious manner.

@thatdamnprinny: Well, he did play chicken with it in a parking garage in order to get out of paying the parking toll.

@ViciousAeons: What's a young Rowan Atkinson doing in a nun habit?

@Bhazor: So nuns are sexy because they've got a repressed-and-thus-hyperactive sex drive... But monks and Catholic priests are creepy because they've got a repressed-and-thus-hyperactive sex drive.