"Nunsploitation". As with any naughty things involving nuns, it just seems so wrong, yet, so right.
"Nunsploitation". As with any naughty things involving nuns, it just seems so wrong, yet, so right.
@ajnewman: Horse armor.
Just get both seasons of Carnivale on DVD. You'll thank me.
@Bitter_Monkey: I glanced over that, read "Die hard German" (as in, faked German for "The hard German"), and did a doubletake.
@Fluorine: Who's claiming it to be art? Above all, it's a visual spectacle, and brainless fun. Since the PS3 version of Bayonetta is a mess, it IS really the only thing of its kind on Sony's console, but really... I'm having fun with it.
Oh man. The graphics are equal parts Lomax, Mickey's Magical Quest and Metal Slug, with a little of the old Wonder Boy 3 goodness to boot (see the morphing-into-animals thing). Suddenly I'm actually thinking of getting a DSi. Curses!
@MrPerson: The game, of course, being ActRaiser.
My first "evil god" thing? In trying to max out the populations of each town, I went around tossing the Earthquake spell at them. This would destroy all non-optimal houses, and the population would lower. Yeah, you get to kill your followers with an earthquake. And then they rebuild, making better houses that fit more…
@ClaudioIphigenia: Mxyzptlk has been a name since the 60s, though. If they're to include names, then this one REALLY counts.
Now to be the first one to successfully get a triple word score from "Mxyzptlk". And yes, it IS a name!
@LucasReis: Nope. Bubsy 3.
@laughingdog: Terranigma! Yes, it only got a European release in its English-language version. But, damn, it's a good game.
@Pheermee: Anthropomorphic animal with a radical 'tude saving the world from some totally gross polluters, man.
@Fernando Jorge: Lessee... I kinda have to disregard games I simply gave up on, like Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. I know I'm not going to actually finish it unless I REALLY run out of other stuff to play.
And then you have the videogames that pull the whole "whoops, God is actually evil" thing.
@NexusSIX: Drake is BaaAAaaack!: I'm actually really enjoying Rock Band for the PSP. But since you want more of a visual game... "Gitaroo Man Lives!" is pretty awesome.
@belsunce: As far as the fighting game crowd goes, having an arcade release is actually a big deal for those who take it somewhat seriously. They're places to meet new players and hold tournaments.
@Taiko_Oni: Do you care about silly touchscreen minigames popping up when you want to do stuff, and can you tolerate throwing grenades by flicking across the touchscreen? Then get the DS version. If not, get the better-graphics, more-missions PSP version. They're equal otherwise.