
@beril: Plus, a lot of the target audience probably owned the game for the DS as is. That was my reason for not getting the PSP version.

@cyruss: It is a really fun game, but first and foremost, it's a quick, on-the-go game designed for handhelds. I guess I could still see it as a PSN/XBLA release, but they'd have to go through another visual-upscaling for that, lest they suffer the wrath of the 40+inch TV owners.

@spyderr0de0: To each his own. I like a girl with a little meat on her bones.

@Zhejan: The fact that this game is only fun when played with more than one person is what disturbs me about this post.

@ElephantFace: Depends. When I hear that a game is too easy on Normal (see Kingdom Hearts 2), I start out on Hard. Most of the time, though, I do Normal. As has been said elsewhere in this thread, that's what the game was designed for.

@Duuuuuuude: Nah, there are a few. Unless you've got an Ultimate Collected Edition or something.

What's better still is when someone's April Fools joke gets re-published by someone else AFTER April 1st. That happened to me a couple of times, making me, among other things, think that Motorpsycho was seriously awesome enough to let people hook up their Minidisc players directly to the soundboard so they could

@chewblaha: What, seriously? "Haha I'm not actually looking for Battletoads" counts as April Fools?

"Owowow! My nose! It-a keeps hitting the ground!"

@Pheermee: He actually says "Sayonara". April fools!

@KaneRobot: It's fun to play, but man, it's murder on the thumbs without a stick.

@Martise: Well, no... The noun has to end with a Z :)

@MrPerson: (Seriously, I think it's a meme thing. Coupled with the urge to celebrate that hey, I'm the first to comment on this here article and that makes me speshul, right, right?)

@breathe_unison: Seconded on Valkyria Chronicles. Awesome game all over.

@abort_user: Probably because it's also a meme. And the GAME itself wasn't really all that great.

@firemac: Well, if you're going to TEST gamers, then spouting extremely popular game lines isn't really the way to go, is it? :)


@JabbaB: We is never going to forget.