
@kingbob337: At the same time, a lot of games are really just "version x.y" of an earlier game. Do you put Street Fighter 2 on a list like this, despite the fact that it's a sluggish, imbalanced mess today? Sure, it's playable enough and fun enough, but while SF2 is incredibly important, it doesn't hold up too well

@kobeashi: I'm realizing now that doing a list like that in comment form is hard, because people type comments at the same time :)

@Ion_Predator: I had the same thought at first, but all the same, it can't be denied that WoW is one of the most important games of all time. It's the first time the MMO became a phenomenon, and the fact that it keeps evolving is part of it.

The whole idea of selecting only the top 10 best games ever is tough. How do you judge the relative greatness of a game, especially if you're only going to fit in 10 of them? It's all about personal taste, and while all of the games in the so-far final list belong on a list like this, there are other games that are

I henceforth decree that every game containing a noun ending in a Z within the title shall be replaced with Sprung.

Imagine: Shonen Babyz.

@Korbei83: You don't disallow all frozen treats from the kindergarten because one kid decided that chocolate ice cream would look good jammed down into someone's laptop.

@pastrychef: If the extra units sold are to people who'll simply pirate games, then that would make Sony LOSE money... I'm pretty sure they still sell them for less than they actually cost to build.

@Areinu: I doubt you can sue, but you CAN probably deliver the PS3 back to the store and get a refund. At least, you should be able to.

@Phillia1821: The issue isn't that it's a game console. The issue is that they're removing part of the features pre-slim buyers paid for. For the ones who actually use the Linux thing (of which I'm not one, mind you), it's a bit like saying that they're removing the ability to play DVD movies.

@Blore07: I nominate "1 cartridge, 100 games, ALL OF THEM PONG!" for quote of the day.

The first videogame experience I remember was playing some sort of Atari/C64 game our upstairs neighbors had when I was something like 4 years old. It was pretty basic... Driving along a road, you could run into other cars, get caught by cops and splat people who crossed the road. There wasn't much more to it. I

@zåɳzißarlegeпȡ: Considering just buying all the costume packs for SF4 costs like 15 if you get them in one go, and something like 25 if you get them separate... Yeah.

@jay13x: From what I can tell off of some videos, that flashkick is easy to cross up. They're going away from Shoryuken Fighter 4 in this edition.

The PSP along with custom firmware has allowed me to spend a hundred hours playing Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, probably at least that much time designing levels in Mega Man: Powered Up, it's allowed me to complete Suikoden 2 and replay Alundra, it's had me addicted to Lumines for a short while, and I've

Just because you didn't make any Dark Cloud games before isn't any reason not to make one now! You are destroying dreams, Totilo! Dreeeeams!

@CockroachMan: I don't think that thing was actually analogue, though. It was apparently superb, but very much a digital input device.