
Great read, although reading about stuff you deal with at work every day always feels kinda weird.

No love for the A6 2.5 TDI? Best car I've ever owned. Drives like a dream and sounds like a tractor. I still love it.

As tragic this maybe, it's difficult to feel sorry for those morons who sneak between both fences.

But they even had chubby cheerleaders. It doesn't get more american than that.

I hate that turn with a passion in GT6.

Still not a tank.

Because I'm stupid and can't read. Move along, nothing to see here.

Wait, American cars don't have steering-locks?

Hm, Billund is situated just a bit over 100 km north of my hometown...

What the hell is an alumn?

And does a good job visualizing the wealth of the A. P. Møller descendants.

Loved seeing the Luftwaffe Fulcrums fly over my parents house back in the days. One sexy jet.

Pretty OT, but having just seen his video going 26o kph on a rainy Autobahn strip I've only got one thing to say: Not cool, most definitely not cool. Don't endanger other people with your stupidity.

As a non-American, the whole concept of COD seems strange. Don't they use supply ships in the U.S. Navy?

Makes you wonder. We've got 10 percent of that number over here while having about 27% of the population of the U.S.


Time doesn't kill either. Still people die of old age. Speeding is a factor in many deadly accidents (at least here in Germany). Speed limits and hefty fines for speeding do make people think before shutting of their brains.

No mention of engine hours? Stay away.

A disturbing lack of diesels. Every German knows that a Mercedes has to sound like a tractor and use the same fuel.