
The Yogscast didn't do the Kickstarter campaign though. The just licensed out their name and likeliness.

No Terraria?. I'm disappointed.

Damn, gotta find my copy of NFS II.

It's called the AUTOBARN (emphasis on the "r"). It's basically a giant version of the LHC.

Or leaving the road and landing in a pond. Drowning sure is fun.

Euthanasia is pretty cool, though. Seeing my grandparents suffer during their last years was terrible.

Well, speed kinda does kill. (I'm German, btw)

Only filthy South Germans eat that vinegar-based crap.

Is it really that huge?

Still waiting for a pantless video.

Greetings from Sonderjylland

My uncle told me they did stuff like that when he received his F-104 training at Luke AFB.

Since I'm German there was never any humor to begin with.

It was a joke (hence the jk), but good to know.

You surely mean elsässisch. jk

How is that holocaust denying? Am I a holocaust denier if I tell you that my grandfather who fought in the Werhmacht was not an evil person?

Yeah, let's destroy perfectly fine classical sports cars.

Get your filthy eszett out of that sentence.

Yeah, about the same for me. Born in 87, 13 years of school, almost 7 years of university to get my M.Eng, got a job at a global player in the armament industry and earn about 50k a year. FML.

Congrats to your career choice, though. I'd love to work without pants.