
its because “conservative values” are a fucking joke and the people who believe in them are idealistic fools.

Yes!! This is where the difference lies. Concepts like “Diversity” apply only to the inclusion of straight white men. Just like how “freedom of speech” only applies to speech that adheres to the conservative platform.

Respectable outlets took pains to make sure his bespoke outift was mentioned along with criminal history of victim. Like WTF?

What is he wearing, his meth cooking outfit?

Better than talking about his debonair suit.

This is heartbreaking and it’s unfortunate that with all the news of the day, this isn’t getting more attention. I saw this on twitter and it’s just so awful

I’m not usually one to play the “call it terrorism” card but

And Rachel Maddow reported he was asked to investigate the Trump Foundation.

Let’s see how long Trump stands by for said mensch.

Our state’s attorney, Deirdre Daly, resigned on Friday. She has done an incredible job in Connecticut, working particularly hard to end human trafficking (particularly sex trafficking of children) and to address the opioid crisis, both here in Connecticut and throughout New England. Thankfully, her replacement served

We’ve also got no ambassadors, don’t forget. He gutted the State Department, too.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We’ve got a winner.

For the moment, it appears that the dismissed attorneys will be succeeded by their deputies; whether more permanent replacements are immediately in the wings is a very good question that likely does not have a good answer.

Speaking of... Bharara was in the process of conducting an investigation into Fox News and his possible replacement was previously a lawyer for... Roger Ailes... so you can guess where that investigation is going to end up.

The Daily Beast reported back in September that Bharara’s office was investigating money laundering within the Russian government.

new presidents tend to replace most US attorneys, but usually not so quickly, and not before successors have been nominated or confirmed.

So what’s the situation now then, the US has no actual US Attorney’s or they’ve all been replaced with the list Fox News will no doubt broadcast in a few minutes.

“We can’t be having anybody who’ll actually do their jobs, now.”

William Knott, a self-described pastor

I get that, but it still doesn’t make me feel any better. Republicans are a part of this country. And 100% of them are either ignorant or malevolent. (Or both.) No intelligent and good person is a Republican, Obi Wan quote be damned.