
I go to a Shia mosque and most of my friends are from the old country and Iran. None of them excuse Assad in the way that many on the far-left do.

Its amazing to watch a total collapse of your own government. Not only the endless scandal, conflicting stories and total distrust at top levels but the total refusal of some people to even acknowledge ANYTHING is wrong (Give him a chance!)

He was awesome in Luke Cage, too.

Just for the record, they want the WOMEN punished for having extramarital sex. Men can apparently commit the sin of fornication and go on their merry way! ‘Cause BIOLOGY — it’s their get-out-of-jail-free ticket.

Well, I suppose that’s a tiny, tiny thing to be grateful for. I also love /s love/s love/s his assertion that birth control failures don’t exist. Like most Republicans, he lives in a different Universe than real people do....

After college I lived with a lot of conservative, Midwestern Catholics (don’t ask me why, I had to move out eventually) and this was definitely part of their belief system. One of them regularly called Plan B “the abortion pill” and thought that IUDs should be banned. It’s all related to the idea that any sex that

Some friend of my young cousin commented on something she posted about abortion saying if one of his girlfriends had an abortion without him knowing she’d be dead. Verbatim. Then another friend of hers chimed in with “whoa you just threatened to kill a woman for getting an abortion” and the guy went off the handle

Ah but then you get the “why doesn’t she just leave him” arguments. Seriously, we’re all fucked. But only responsibly of course.

And those are the one who abuse and are mean to their kids, who do not pay child support and who want full custody because the woman is “unstable”.

I went down the FB rabbit hole reading a reply by a ‘male’ who was for abortion restrictions because it put pregnant sluts at the back of the line and allows the beautiful mothers who medically (sheds tear) needs an abortion in front. Cause that’s how it fucking works NOT! No uterus, no opinion!

Exactly. This is why I liken forced pregnancy to torture - because doing it willingly wasn’t so great, so why would doing it unwillingly be any better?

Are there a lot of men out there who were desperate for a woman to carry the pregnancy that they terminated? Like, is this even a thing? Because I’m pretty sure most guys in this situation would be happy with the woman’s choice.

This guy said all kinds of stupid bullshit, BUT: I fucking hate being pregnant, you guys. I 100% feel like I am an unwilling host, unable to control anything about my body, and I really want this fetus to be done growing and get the fuck out of me (23 more weeks to go!). I’ve come to terms with hating this fucking

Uh, yup.

I know. This didn’t even enrage me. I just thought: well, they finally said it out loud.

I mean, at least he’s being honest about what the anti-choice movement really believes about women. It’s like he’s pulling back the curtain to show the reality of the anti-choice position instead of the “we care about women” narrative they try to espouse.

There are more comfortable positions to give birth from

And there it is.

“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.”- Germaine Greer, 1970. Plus ça change...