
I wonder how many Blue Lives Matter people will support this woman. I’m going to take a stab and say zip.

I haven’t seen a single fucking reason she should have even been nominated

And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?

I’d love to see Barack put his Constitutional Law professor hat on and write a scathing piece about all the many ways in which this is un-Constitutional.

Especially women’s labor issuess. WalMart was sued in the largest gender discrimination class-action is history.

Doug McMillon, the chief executive of Wal-Mart

If the administration has said that they will be prioritizing Christian refugees over Muslim refugees, and the banned countries are Muslim-majority it is a Muslim ban in anything but name.

Trump campaigned on banning Muslims and called it as such. He gave an interview about giving preferentially status to Christian refugees. His executive order only applies to Muslim-majority countries. You don’t think this is a ban on Muslims? If there was any hope that it would be constitutional, Trump would have

Last I checked, taxis are cars, and this is a car site. So, relevant.

“But Obama...” Nuh uh. Shush.

If this is about safety, I don’t understand how Saudi Arabia isn’t on the list... considering it’s the Saudis who have killed the most Americans, on American soil.

If that was actually the case Saudi Arabia would have been on the ban list, considering most of the 9/11 hijackers came from there.

As long as this continues, I will always bring this up:

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*

As I was listening to NPR while stuck in traffic today, I thought of this quote from Fellowship: when did Saruman abandon reason for madness? Replace Saruman with GOP.

You’re really giving him a lot of credit by suggesting anything he’s doing is part of anything even remotely resembling a plan.

Even though I cringe every time I read some admiration of Melania’s class or humanitarian wonderfulness or whatever, this scene scared the fuck out of me. I’ve seen this kind of psychological bullshit in my own parents’ marriage. He said some sharp little cruelty to her, then turned around with that self-satisfied

It is easy to say that she is only with him for the money, and while economic interest might have led her to him, it is important to note that he is an abuser.