Modern Traditionalist

I really prefer "loving wolves"....

Hey - special needs doggie mama here. Mine is blind and, while not abused as far as we can tell, was sent to live outside 24/7 when he started to lose his sight as a puppy. Then, when it was completely gone, he was dropped off at the pound. I'm kind of glad his former owners were assholes because I have so much

Amen! His dresses make me think of a modern day version of an Edith Wharton or Henry James character.

AMEN. They could remove Piper altogether (please....really, just get rid of her!) and I'd keep watching to see the rest of these fantastic women.

Woe-is-me Larry? You mean you thought having your fiancee away in prison for 15 months would be a breeze?! Between him, her mother and possibly the worst business partner/best friend, Polly - I would choose to stay incarcerated.

Oh, Crazy Eyes, yes. She is fantastic! And as disgusting as Fig acts, I still want to know more about her than Piper!

Yes - but am I the ONLY one who dislikes Piper? I want to jump through my TV and strangle her throughout every episode. I tune in (can you "tune in" on Netflix?!) for the stories of the other inmates....

She's actually only 5'4" which I was shocked to read in an old interview with her.

Nope - I spit out Diet Coke...

My husband and I adopted a blind dog last year and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences I can't possibly explain here. We've taught him to "fetch" based on sound and scent and he is the happiest when he can just be doing doggie activities. I always wonder what would've happened had we not found him as