
Looks burple

Jalop approved

I don’t get it

R35's not a Skyline though

Infiniti. Same market as a Kia Stinger. But not as good. 


Iron man and his audis

When you are in the special forces, you tell ppl you are NOT in the special forces. Likeiif you were in, I mean, not in the Mossad for instance.

Those ppl in black are the riotersn those standing around that you think look like cops (with high visibility vest) are prob press. The one with the shield getting chased down and beaten is the cop. The one with the metal pole about to strike a cop with his gun pulled is a rioter. 

Now playing

Here is a much clearer view. Make your own conclusions. Largely non violent? 

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

largely non violent?

sounds like a very fast train

What this guy do? I wasn’t following 

Many reasons. Mostly not due to laziness. Could always have been they were available in an earlier build but a creative decision was made for a better (tighter) overall playing experience.

There is no such thing as a cheap porsche