
I don’t understand why they don’t just see what Alden Ehrenreich is up to.

I haven’t been to Galaxys Edge and I might not ever go, but Disney would be crazy to commit to the sequel era considering how nobody at all actually likes that. There’s no need for forward growth since it’s the end point on the timeline of a massive story, there are no real iconic fan favorite characters (Kylo Ren?

On point 2, I dont’ necessarily agree that undescribed characters are intended to be thin. I write fiction, and I almost never include a physical description of a character at all because it’s almost never relevant to the narrative. I read a lot of books and short stories that don’t go into that level of detail

I haven’t really dived into the subject the way the author has - but it seems to me that a lot of the time characters aren’t described in so much detail that we know whether they’re thin or fat in the first place. We often get description of age, hair color, certain distinctive characteristics, but I can’t really say

Dude, Martian Manhunter spoilers, jeeeez.

I love when superhero movies try to have some kind of message and then undermine it with big quipped CGI-filled fights where they cause billions in collateral damage and then just walk away from it.

How crowded can a NMS planet get? Like if they advertise this stuff, make it easy to find, a bunch of people build bases on it - how much will stick around? Because I don’t find the exploration of NMS to actually be very fun because all planets seem to have the same level of emptiness. It would be cool to land on a

I just assume all politicians and celebrities are assholes. Some are just regular narcissists and others are criminals. One is obviously worse than the other but you never end up feeling too surprised either way.

Thanks for the book review - I’m actually kind of glad to see that this might just not be worth the time. I really enjoyed Gideon and then felt like Harrow was mostly a miss with a few standout moments. Overall, I felt like after I got over the confusion about what was even going on in Harrow it just failed to

Agreed - I didn’t think there was anything hidden in the setup between Daemon and his niece. The gift scene was uncomfortable all on its own, and they were eyeing each other in every scene they were in together. 

I think the big thing with GoT was that it was a new dark twist on what everyone (who didn’t know the books) thought was going to be a Lord of the Rings riff. But then a little kid gets pushed out a window and That Guy From That Thing got beheaded and you realized it was something entirely new.

That seems like the answer to me. Anyone with experience with games or some other kind of virtual hangout space is not at all interested in this. This was built for investors who think young audiences will want this. I imagine it will launch with a bunch of inflated numbers, it will be forced onto the public for a few

My brief VR experience ended with an upset stomach and a headache that lasted a couple hours. I am still VR-curious, but if that is the result, it’s definitely not worth it.

Isn’t the whole point that he found a way to defeat death or something anyway? Yoda was 900 years old or something, so Plagueis living more a few hundred years doesn’t sound ridiculous. If anything, it’s more annoying that they still just pull from the same well over and over again. Yes, he’s a new character, but

It’s a sad state of affairs when we are arguing about which tent pole under the same corporate owner makes the slightly better soulless CGI-fest. I used to love pre-Disney Star Wars, and I still get excited about some of the new stuff. And I have given up all of my time to the Marvel stuff as well. But really, they’re

Funny because I see people driving with their honkers in their phones, too. At least when you’re walking, you’re not likely to cause property damage or kill someone other than yourself.

Agreed on JJJ - it’s probably the best job I’ve seen of someone bringing a classic character into modernity. As for the rest of Tom Holland’s Spidey, I feel like they are really scattered. Homecoming had some great ideas, and Tom was a perfect version of high school Spider-Man (if not really nerdy anymore) but the

Yes! Same for me. And as far as I know, it stayed pretty true to the comics representation of Pete. Batman, Spider-Man and the X-Men were all I had and all I needed for superheroes. And the theme songs to X-Men and Spidey were jams too.

I was wondering that, too. Also, there’s a lot of sex in the GoT books. Maybe not as much as in the show, but still a lot. And at this point, any new Game of Thrones stuff needs to be true to the previous show as much as to the books.

Yeah, I’m not seeing the appeal of PS Plus. Sony’s bread and butter are their exclusives. And if you want to play them within 18 months of them coming out (when they’re shiny and new and people are excited about them), you’ll pay $70 for them anyway! So you can pay $120 a year for Ubi games, indies and old games that