Robin Swope

This site has been surviving on Positive Spin via Corporate Media money for a long time now, they don’t need readers.

it would be nice if I09 reviewed media they didn’t get corporations paying them for so they look good.

This was a stupid article about stupid redneck crap, no connection just click bait....

You need a break, this is a great show...

Althea’s birthday party devolves into a brawl in the trailer for next week’s episode of Kung Fu.

I dunno, the Force is strong with this one:

Now that the bigoted Kennedy is almost gone, Disney/Lucasfilm might actually become diverse instead of ‘psuedo-diverse’ for looks sake...

Inside the body is a listening device to get personal data. This is Skynet’s first run of a ground force ....

hateful posts on social media,” no, Kathleen Kennedy fired her out of jealousy of Favreau, she never hated-just a strong woman who doesn’t back down to bullying. Get your gossip right.

Perry Yung (and other excellent Asian actors on this wonderful show)

Eh, the show had enough pacing issues. More Monica is good though. I hope she gets the mantle.

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

As a child, I would hear the screech of the giant ants in my nightmares...

Why dont we have the cops name?

The way their stock tanked, it will soon be a Disney+ subsidiary.

Well, at least he isn’t getting his likeness erased from posters like John Boyega. But the white leads get more prominence on the ads.....

How sturdy are those really? I use a lot of Bo Staffs but that one always looked way too flimsy itself. You could only damage small insects.

The conflict will be Biblical.

Wow, this message gives me hope. Both liberals and conservatives are using the triggered meme. Something historic is about to happen!