
This. If there’s one thing Republicans do right, it’s understanding the importance of the Supreme Court, and appointing judges in general. They’re damn near obsessed, and for good reason. The Democrats are only now starting to catch on but progressives don’t seem to get that at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if

Kavanaugh is acting like an insane dictator. When they asked about delaying, he said he’s waited his entire life for this. He honestly thinks he was born to become SCJ. People should be extremely concerned, not just because he’s a sex offender, but because he is batshit insane. His outburst proved it, and his “waited

Cue a week of basking in the warm sunlight of “will they/won’t they” media attention by the four “undecideds,” before they remember where their bread is buttered and vote to confirm.

Kavanaugh keeps referring to the sworn statement given by Mark Judge. And considers it sufficient testimony. But he called Julie Swetnicks’s accusations as a joke and a farce. Even though she submitted a sworn statement. Why the different standard?

He’s a Republican. They’re always scared shitless.

Asking honestly - how does the size of the country have anything to do with attitudes towards women and sexism? You are linking larger population size to worse behavior, or conversely, smaller population size to more just behavior but why would that be true?

I’m sure the Ombudsman understands memes, they are all in advertising! I don’t understand why this post and that company assumes the Ombudsman are a bunch of old fogeys who’ve lived in a cave cut off from internet and popular culture the past 50 years. That meme IS sexist, it DOES perpetuate negative gender stereotypes

that is not respect. that is treating women like idealized things, not actual people with actual autonomy and opinions. you knew that, though

The benevolent sexist” is an apt description. Somewhere the word affable was used to describe him, which to me is also worthy of a pause - my ‘affable’ father was in fact a sexist, racist, angry, intolerant man who curated a good reputation belonging to community groups. Being ‘affable’ was his no-personality way of

I'm a graduate of a Jesuit high school, and I feel like the special combination of sanctimony, paternalism, and rape culture would be familiar to all of my fellow graduates. All of the allegations against him are undoubtedly true, and I would add that hard denials in the face of overwhelming evidence was also

I’m not here for any man who says they’ve “always” treated women well. It just tells me they’re either lying or not aware enough about the misogynistic society in which we live, which means, yeah, they’ve definitely treated women badly at least some time.

I call it Mad Men syndrome; where it’s completely okay to treat every woman you come in contact with, including your wife, like an object at best and garbage at worst, but you save the “blue jokes” for the steam room.

Ah yes, also usually the type of man who is nothing but respectful to women......that HE deems respectable.

I’ve always found it incredibly insulting when men suggest that they ought to treat women some particular way because of ~chivalry~ or our delicate sensibilities. It feels dehumanizing, realizing that people are just putting on an elaborate performance until you go away and they can communicate honestly with the

“I just want a fair process where I can be heard,”

I worked with Debbie at a domestic violence shelter (specifically the admin & counseling office). This story captured her so well; she's very thoughtful and reserved, she's really kind and a wonderful ally. We were friendly and would grab happy hour sometimes. I'm heartbroken about the fact that she needed to come

From the second I saw Christine Blasey’s story, I knew he had legions of other victims. He was 17 years old and showed no hesitation; in fact, had a calculated plan for trapping a girl, assaulting her and even covering her screams. With a creepy friend! He has rape victims of his own. It’s always been a matter of time.

I really wish that I thought that this mattered to Senate Republicans, but I really don’t. I actually think that they do believe these women, but just do not view this as sexual assault, or just think that this is some male right of passage to be a ginormous douche.

The proper name for this item is “leotard.”

Kravenclaw actively SOUGHT OUT misogynistic, sexually perverse clubs in which to place his membership and with whom to publicly associate. Mark Judge was the Mike Damone of Georgetown Prep, even more aggressively perverse than most of the other little predators in their class. And Brett went to parties with Mark and