
I was going to waste my time making a witty retort on how you're too stupid to grasp feminism and how it's only males accusing women of being fake geek girls for daring to encroach on their precious widdle boys club, but you can't even spell Jezebel properly, so why bother? It'll be too complicated for you to grasp,

I get where you're coming from, but for me, it's not about saying that cultures have to be exclusionary. I'm not saying Miley can't have grills or Selena can't have bindis. Other cultures are awesome, and being part of this world means experiencing and appreciating cultures different from your own.

Except it's not. The issue isn't "white girls can't wear grills". The issue is, you can't tell the people who came up with grills that they are ghetto and low class for wearing them, then wear them yourself and declare yourself cool. THAT is what cultural appropriation is about.

For me, it's even more weird when things that been a part of my upbringing and culture FOREVER suddenly become popular with white people. It's a very interesting dynamic, because most POCs I know treat it like a Starbuck's moving into your neighborhood. Kind of like "oh, white people are taking over this thing we've

But that's just the thing: when white, rich pop stars take the most visible, "colorful" parts from a small segment of a minority culture with no reference to or respect of the history of that culture it not only fetishizes the culture and denies the true experience of minorities, but it also traps minorities like

so. you've never met Lindy, you don't know her, you've read a few of her things and you disagree with her. so rather than have a civil discussion, you thought it would be uproariously hilarious to wish her to fall down a flight of stairs. because wishing harm on someone - male OR female - is *always* a thigh-slapper!

Logical Fallacies and GIGANTIC Flaws in Jim Norton's Argument*

Lindy—I can't even. While I'm sure you are able to wade through this bullshit with aplomb, I offer my angriest GIFs, strongest words of condolence, and raised feminazi fist of solidarity.

Individually piloted motorized transit is a ridiculous standard, and putting absolutely every person in charge of their own two-ton vehicle with laughably loose restrictions on who is considered fit to drive is a completely unnecessary risk. Walkable cities and public transit exist and drastically reduce traffic

I'm a healthcare provider and I try to explain it to my judgy coworkers like this. With few exceptions, most of our patients regularly strap themselves into metal cans and accelerate upwards of 10x natural human running speed. It's not natural, it's terribly unsafe, and it's entirely the product of our consumer

You're absolutely right that the desire to be a Barbie comes from a troubling place, and that people can comment and respond however they please. But a lot of the comments are more "Yikes! That's scary, not pretty!" than "Yikes! This stems from a culture of objectification!" I can't help wondering if it's because