
As much upside as Hilary had in giving that Goldman speech.

B/c it’s not like the guy knows how to make movies. At this point, you could say his behind the camera work is the least annoying part about him.

So there were some people at the meeting who didn’t know we had a moon?

Does Snyder have cancer? He’s not looking well.

Ahh, so this is what Nick Denton wanted more of. Now I get it.

Nice job putting that shot from right before her face gets blown off

But first they’ll send him to Dark Ages and kill any hope of this happening

It’s an old sex position from the jazz age

Why don’t they just pick up the ball with their hands?

Fuck, the high in Pebble Beach was 70. How did he sweat that much?

Is there anyone that enjoys playing with Harden?

Where can I find this Dornish person to tell me things?

Chock full o’ schlock

Or you could read the Dark Phoenix Saga or early Invincible or The Boys

stick to sports

Is there another site that’s like what Deadspin used to be?

So a building gets sucked from Dubai and dumped on London but somehow earth itself doesn’t split apart?

Bad owner? He kept them in Sacramento. Beggars can’t be choosy.

Who knows, they might get a coach that impacts how their players, you know, play

Greatness in Seattle!