
I condone this comment.

ZING!!!!!! Hahaahha.

I will totally give you Little Richard in the Snatch Game....although my heart belonged to Big Ang ;)

Did we watch the same show???? Kennedy SUCKED and should have gone home weeks ago. KATYA was robbed.

Most delicious alcoholic beverage? No. Noooooooooo. My god.

Hello, friend :)

Seriously!!! It’s already hard enough to be alive. I hope you have a great day! You should probably treat yourself to a pedicure.

I DO sit there like a queen. A big, poorly-dressed queen.

Today I learned from Gawker & Jezebel that: owning a Keurig and not hating it, and having big boobs and wearing a Maxi dress both make me the worst, most wasteful, idiotic, and ugly person who has the nerve to go outside in public. I think I’m done for today, thanks.


Oh duh. I’ve been over here in Minneapolis feeling snubbed too, but now I get it. ;) NYC > everywhere else.

Really not clear how this was a snub. Why in the world would he pick NYC?


Stitch two, please.

Does Steve Carell......know a lot of female mice?

Hello friend!

RUDE!!!! Zack never looked that gross.

Thank you for this article.

Me too. Meeeee too.

I don't know but I do too.