Mikey Likes It Ironically

If you think the food situation is a tough pill, try not to think about how gravity would crush Kong and Godzilla with both hands tied behind its back.

Interestingly, the creatures that are our most remote ancestors had no anus so their shit literally came out of their mouths. Seems like this learned behaviour thing can last hundreds of millions of years eh Pete.

Man, contrast this with the Washington NFL team. You wonder why GSW has one of the NBA’s best coaches and attracts great Free Agents and Washington... doesn’t. Keeping your word is just good business strategy.

One Xmas I, too, got a device that predicts when alien monsters will arrive:

This is literally the first time I found out this league existed.

My experience with the Switch is a little different than Kirk’s because I’ve been playing it primarily as a portable. That’s the thing with the Switch. If you use it primarily on your TV, you’ll have one experience. If you play it on the go or at least away from the TV, you may have a very different one.

Only if the port has that functionality. I’ll test it with my cable once I get my system Friday morning.

You forgot the gif!

“My genitals are engorged as well fellow viewer!”

“Too Urban” is bad. Usually I get bounced for looking “too Harbaugh.”

Sorry gentlemen, we’ve already met our Urban capacity for the evening. 1 urban


Never underestimate the stupidity of pro sports front offices.

NFL doctors agree the two men are not suffering from concussions.

You could at least have linked to the un-photoshopped picture.

Counterpoint — Exxon’s $400mm man:

Well, no conventional supervillain, anyway. Trump is dangerous because he’s incompetent, stupid, and unhinged but STILL has access to fucking nuclear weapons.

Gods, yes, that one is by far the best. Hilarious and terrifying. Hilerrifying?

Also not sure acting like a human battering ram for four years counts as a “free ride.”

the only thing i care about in football is when the winning team lines up to gently kiss the tip of the president’s penis and receive a championship muffin