Another fantastic and underrated film. Plummer's performance as Mike Wallace was also outstanding.
Another fantastic and underrated film. Plummer's performance as Mike Wallace was also outstanding.
Fox Sports's T. Adam Guildenstern thinks Trent is full of shit.
The Truman Show is indeed underrated, but I'm not quite sure it's on the same level (also, thank you for mentioning Network). L.A. Confidential is definitely a worthy pick, and I think I'd pick Fargo as well.
Great story. There aren't enough profanities to describe Howard Schultz.
I'm sure they can just use one of their many aliases, such as "Miguel Sanchez".
Excellent. +1
Tampa Bay contains sodium benzoate.
Absolutely terrible news.
Goddamn blue shells.
I initially thought it was Megyn Kelly. Now all previous warm memories of Melissa Stark have been erased.
I love this.
Thanks. Makes sense, and I probably should have done that first. I wonder if I still am using my old college email address for Gawker stuff.
So, I linked my profile with my Twitter account, but of course the only thing that apparently gets blocked at work is Twitter. Can I do an additional linkup? I thought the whole idea is that it was supposed to be a backup, not that I would have to actually log in using Twitter.
So, when are you and Gheorge Muresan going to do that sequel?