
One of my favorite mangas, You’re Under Arrest, features this car ( and many others ) prominently. It’s great if you like cars and other ‘80s Japanese machines and stupid jokes, but not so great if you like serious, complex, serial storytelling.

Oh thank god, I was getting destroyed in Flying Battery Zone...I hated that stage when I was a child and I hate it now.

No way. It would take a direct hit from an atom bomb to damage a Volvo this badly.

This is great. David please forward me the contact information for the new owners. I am looking for a safe and quite place to have events for my motor loving friends. I am thinking a schedule like this. Hours would be 5 pm to midnight or later.

This should win #COTD on Jalopnik just because +1

Mehhhh, none of the season stuff came close to the 1st animation.

Moises Alou must be pissed. Also, he’s probably upset.

In the immortal words of Mystery Science Theater 3000:

“and the fact that Sonic hasn’t had a majorly successful (or particularly well-received) video game for many of those 25 years makes it even more impressive.”

I got you back, homie.

The Cardigans are a goddamned treasure.

I’m too busy trying to steer on my keyboard to be bothered with fancy displays. Besides, the view is usually just the retaining wall that I’m crashing into.

He could sell them all and still have a hard time financing a free lunch.

Son, you got a panty on your head

Speaking as a long time Kings fan who finally got to see them win one Cup (let alone two), I have been alright with the fact that they’ve won exactly one playoff game in the three years following their last Cup.

I’ve driven with a cat exactly ONE TIME and never will again.

Most importantly, the pillows are back too.