
I was doing okay until I saw Evan Rachel Woods' tweet that just said "Genie, you're free" and then I fucking lost it.

Except that it is her profession and she is not ashamed of it at all. Why should we instill that shame on her by saying "Oh we won't mention what you do for a living." If she were a doctor, lawyer, etc. would you say something like that? Do you recognize that telling people they should omit that is basically an

Do you know I never called today. I totally forgot. Robin Williams' suicide threw me for a loop. We performed at the pre-show last night for the Anti-Suicide/Depression Awareness Comedy Benefit at the Improv in Hollywood (musical act in the lounge before the comedy benefit). I sang a song I wrote in April about three

Bless your heart. I had a retropharyngeal abscess in 2012. I spent a lot of time choking on and spitting up mucous as my throat closed before the ICU docs diagnosed me and I had 3 surgeries. That constant mucous/choking/spitting was horrible and scary. To this day I still have to be careful because if I upset the acid

The pineapple thing makes me so sad. It smells soooooo good and looks so pretty. When I went to Hawaii it was Everywhere. Everyone looked slightly offended when I would leave all of the beautiful pineapple on the plate :( My poor mom is allergic to honeydew melon (as is my best friend). Luckily I can eat all melons!

Whenever I see or show this scene to someone, I point out that Flash, who had been the comic relief for most of the series, singlehandedly beats a combined threat of Brainiac and Lex Luthor while the rest of the original League is recovering.

I'm not sure it's so much the Dems don't know what to do as they have become the catch-all party for everyone not extreme right. So it contains such a wide variety of political viewpoints that it comes off as schizophrenic.

I just love the qualifier "in the U.S." as if the rest of the world is totally separate from the U.S.

This whole "big pharma" paranoia makes no sense in terms of vaccines. Vaccines are expensive to research and produce. Each patient is only administered one to three doses in their lifetime. "Big Pharma" doesn't make much money on them. The money making drugs are the ones that must be taken every day for years. It's

I was a kid during the polio epidemics and I was barely allowed out the front door during summer vacation. No pools, no movie theaters, no crowds. Parents were terrified their kids would get polio, and the little girl across the street did. It was serious and we were all incredibly thankful when the Salk and later

I was born around the time this bullshit first cropped up in the UK with the MMR vaccine, so my mum had a decision to make. Now, she was doubtful it would cause autism, but regardless she was of the opinion that she'd 'rather have the risk of an autistic son than the risk of having a dead son'.

The impressive quality of the high school production aside, if you're that threatened by a high school production, on some deep, subconcious level, you know what you're believing in is total bullshit.

Bravo to these kids for actually setting out to research an issue and using some critical thinking to address it, AND sticking to their guns even when they felt intimidated by people telling them how to make their film. And fuck those assholes who harrassed them and used their project as just another excuse to bleat

Of course the best way to defend your position is to silence anyone or thing that expresses a contradictory position. Can't risk people practicing independent decision making. There's no way trying to suppress it could possibly backfire.

My compliments to these young people for doing their research and forming their own opinions. Additionally, my compliments to the parents and faculty who encouraged them, advised them, and when appropriate, protected them.

Bravo, these kids are going places.

"Politically correct" is a term used by people who want to be assholes without getting called out on their assholery.

In response, Dungy issued the following statement:

I like thinking of IMDB as a compendium of cautionary tales.