
Maybe I go out with different types of people, but this is never an issue. The waiter comes by, asks if we want separate checks, and someone will usually say something to the effect of "Yes, the appetizer is on mine." No argument about "please split the wine between the 7 of us" but that's probably because we know

Thanks! Reading it now

and Hamilton Nolan too.

I wish you had linked to the article discussed in reason 1. Do you still have the link by Campbell Brown?

He wants us to be "one world?" Isn't this already kinda one world? I mean, how many of our foreign policies are directed towards the people of Saturn?

I liked that about her speech. In Ann Romney's, she didn't discuss any of the policies behind the man, just that he was this nice guy who took her to a high school dance and ate pasta with her in college. Michelle Obama let it be known that she stands not only behind her husband as a man, but that she stands behind

I "so" disagree with this sentiment. Yes, she's smart, kind, and on top of her stuff, but to insinuate that she'd do better running the country simply because of her likability factor is a bit overstepping.

That's so exciting! I have a black friend too!

What exactly is the by-line that you're referring to? the one that says "Doug Barry?" Maybe you should be a little bit more feminist and not judge people quite so harshly (ya know, especially when they're correct...)

Joseph, I hadn't seen that preview before and now it's the project of hers that I'm looking forward to most. Do you know when it comes out? Looks so good!

I kinda love this comment. I think my favorite part is your comments on 36. I turned 27 last month and was feeling a slight bit down. This article has made me feel a tad bit better, but your comment even more so because instead of discussing your milestone age (singular) you pointed out that there can be milestone

Ask which strip club has the best buffet.

Right? I mean it's totally not fetch... just ask Gretchen Weiners

Man, and I'd think they would cost 30% less than men's pens, ya know, kinda how women cost 30% less to their employers!

I don't agree with Ann or the speech, but I just wanted to say that pasta isn't all that expensive, and you can make a lot with a little. For instance, when I was growing up we had macaroni and cheese for dinner literally 4 times a week. After my parents started having money (I was around the 11-12 age) we stopped

Only to have to fake the orgasm in the end? No thanks, I'd rather call the night "free dinner Tuesday" and leave it at that!

well placed, my friend, well placed

Bonnie, I checked this one out and had an interesting moment of thought:

Dear Wirelessdude2012,

Reported. However, I just want to say that I've never reported a page before and attempting to report this one makes me want to report Facebook's reporting system! I had to look up how to even report the page so I looked up how to report "bullying" (Facebook's words, not mine, although they're true). I figured out