
That's how I feel. Its like writers(In videogames or Hollywood) don't know how to approach characters of color. Like heroes, two different black characters from the first season. Killed clean off the show, the mulatto son? And his black cousin? Written off, his annoying mother? Killed. But somehow they kept alli

How important CAN local multiplayer be if it'd not working out so well for Nintendo? Maybe they need to focus ELSEWHERE.

Have you noticed that too? All of these stories happen with Xboxes. Im beginning to wonder just what type of crowd the Xbox attracts.

But then they'd need two stories and that would require twice the voice acting which would in turn require twice the space.

There MAY come a day when more female characters are mainstream and there may not. I personally don't have an interest in the concept either way. I'm not against female leads. But I know I probably wouldn't buy the game as a result. I DO however have tomb raider and LOVE that game....but I got it on ps+ so I didn't

I hope thats not your philosophy for ALL games because if so. Your gonna be missing out on a lot of great games.

Yeah I agree, he sounds more angry at Nintendo but like he's taking it out on Sony. Like he's particularly upset at the difference in reaction to the two systems.

You sure it was your "mind" that exploded there champ?

Its been said that only the first game is exclusive, so if your still interested at the time that you get your ps4 the sequel may be out on both.

Lol be careful what you wish for. There is a storm a-brewin. Its name:? Docseuss.

Stop being an ass. The only people to blame are MARVEL. They're only in this position because they were damn there bankrupt in the late 90's early 00's. Were it not for Sony/Fox licensing their works then marvel may not even be here today to HAVE a unified universe.

He says he going for something shocking and mature that will hopefully move narratives and scenarios in gaming to the next level (ala heavy rain or last of us probably)

Why do you REALLY hate Sony? Did you have a walkman in the 80's that died too early?

You should've seen how disgusted I was with comcast when they "updated" my guide with a running add at the bottom that I couldn't get rid of.

I don't follow this particular artist, but I don't think hes wrong. I haven't REALLY followed hip-hop in YEARS. Because im annoyed with the state of the industry. Money this, cars that. Look at what I have!


yeah, i think thats EXACTLY whats going to happen. unless they just go full stop and throw enough money to make this EXCLUSIVE-exclusive. but looking at the "current" divide in install base if it continues this way, they're going to WANT playstation owners to have the chance to own this game.

That's where im divided. My brother in law and family are xbox1 people and im a ps4 guy as are my friends. But I REALLY want to spend online time with my family. But im not gonna waste money on two consoles when they share 95% of the same games.

Looking over the comments like I do, its just funny because its like gamers who are primarily on pc just DON'T UNDERSTAND the rationale behind owning a console.

I understand completely lol. That's how I felt about infamous 2. The first 7-10 minutes made me pee myself (figuratively) with excitement. ....then the rest was just..well not mediocre but certainly not the way those few minutes were.