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    @flotify, does anyone remember Palm Pre and webOS?

    i had it on Android 2.3 and elevation as well, but after an update, it was gon...

    1. It is possible to make a round trip. The biggest problem is getting all the stuff off of the earth. But when in space, the spacecraft can be as huge as you like... So, build the craft in sections, assemble it in our orbit, make a bigass Hollywood movie types spaceship, and navigate it to orbit Mars...

    SwiftKey is an excellent choice...

    Nice experiment!

    USB connector? That is easy to jam or break. Inductive charging takes longer but harder to break...

    Robots everywhere!!!

    Several months ago, I installed BBM and used it to humor !2! of my friends. 2!

    Air is excellent absorber... And in the way I see it, it also locks the content of the bag in place, so the electronics won't collide during transport.

    I tested myself to see if I could stay focused...

    It is easy. Just don't use Facebook.

    My choice is Leatherman MUT

    There is still the loss of cnversion in every bulb. It is not much, but is there.

    So "Person of interest" is a true story.


    When I was MUT, I couldn't rest till I got it.

    Hope it doesn't turn out that the materials are toxic...

    Didn't mean to be mean. I really liked the pun.

    That was fun, but please, correct your statement, there is an 'n' missing. Or maybe I am wrong, it is even funnier this way

    I translated what I heard in the video.