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    Actually, I do not know enough, but what I do know about LHC, and the Higgs Boson is enough and seems to far fetched that I see it as a waste of money and brains, as I mentioned before...

    Nicely put.

    I know, but they want to be there... Figuratively speaking.

    I was naive to try it.
    And after 27 seconds, it was..... Gone.

    You cannot recreate the universe. They are stupid to belive they can. It is a waste of time, money and brain power.
    The world is falling apart, climate changes obvious, and they are measuring their dicks!!!

    Some scientists are stupid, and naturally have stupid ideas, like this.

    Cold white LEDs and LEDs altogether take some time to get accustomed to. For the last 4 years, my family has been under my experiment with LEDs all around the house.

    Finally, someone is getting it right.

    It's all safe,

    This new fashion of using LED is real cute ...

    We just need to slow down and think, make smart choices...

    I don't see this taking off, and that is not the intended meaning of the word "recycle".

    I got my self a Leatherman MUT, and I once a day, take a break to enjoy its design and feel.

    That is right. Everything should at least have a solar panel...

    Instead of childproofing your computer, just be cautious of the sites you visit.

    What if you add some sensors that react to the headlights for example or some other smarter trigger, so the battery wold keep more power, and less light pollution, or maybe, some low level light to keep the road outdrawn and pervs away.

    It seems that nature is stronger than anything we throw at it.

    You just need the rotten eggs flavor and you are set :)

    Is this the beginning of ZOMBIE research.

    Cavemen where degenerates who hid in caves. That's all.