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    I noticed that thing differ, when using a keyboard for typing code, text, using kb for photoshop, surfing, gaming...

    I use a netbook for code and everything else and it has a 9h battery which is great. I keep it in sleep mode all the time so I don't have to hibernate or shutdown at all so I don't relate to to the given question. If a laptop is used as a desktop, then it is probably connected to the charger all the time so it dosent

    Hahaha, this is something none of us geeks could have imagined as a shield, and the best thing is that when they land, they will have fertilizer ready for growing more food ;-)

    I love Dyson Airblade, but Paper towels get recycled, and are handy...

    It was my ringtone!!!!

    Video sucks.

    I miss the variety of phones and gizmos that used to exist before the iPhone craze.

    Totally understand you, I miss my Pre also. At least they went out as a legendary company and a perfect phone.

    In Belgrade, if you own an iPhone, any model, you are a wannabe, because you can't get one with a plan, you have to buy the device full price.


    Chronos deluxe 480GB Solid State Drive - MKNSSDCR480GB-DX

    Nano tech, advances in battery tech, invading mars, and naturally keeping the best, internal combustion tech!!?!!

    Disabled should always be different!!! Right?!!

    I'm sure Ballmer already has a team trying to copy it

    Bed, no. But couch, it is my office for the last year or so.

    You are wise.

    I want all my gadgets to be durable, and I don't think I'm the only one.

    I still can't get over my Pre, for me it became a legendary phone/os

    I always wanted a hand cranked phone

    I fear that there is more than 60% chance that this new iPhone could be less accepted than previous versions, just because Steve Jobs is not the one standing behind the Apple.