As someone who doesn't even currently own a PC capable of comfortably running bf3 on low.. I agree with this. It looked so beautiful on ps3 (and was a solid game all around). I can only imagine how it'd look with farther draw distance, better resolution, etc plus MODS!!

Mad cuz you can't afford a house?

So edgy, bro

..I approve of this. I fucking hate litterers. Do you really like to look at garbage in the outdoors???

T-Money always delivers

I think Jenny Slate is now I must check out Sara Schaefer.

I have my smart phone in my pocket throughout the day so in my case I guess I'm "wearing" a smart phone all the time. I can certainly understand what you're saying though. It's definitely not something for everyone.

This car scares me and gives me a boner

What is stopping you from adding alcohol from chocolate milk? Nestle?

You never said he wasn't talented, however you said he's famous for twerking his boobs. I disagree with that sentiment but it's really not a big deal; I was just throwing my two cents in. Either way it's of little importance to the affairs of the need for me to lighten up any further.

Where exactly did I defend death threats?

He can also be seen doing many other things:

Well, he isn't famous for "boob twerking." He's a former athlete and a current actor. Just saying..

Yes, and once upon a time mobile phones looked like this.

Oh..ok, a youtube video. Anyway, I'm in agreement with Meander061 and I have never even used Google Glass. People like to pull the whole "WHAT ABOUT MY PRIVACY HUH?!??? WHAT IF I DONT WANT TO BE RECORDED?" The thing is that if you are in public, you have no expectation of privacy, and you are already being recorded by

You're in denial matey. I started my search here, since the story says "burger" rather than explicitly hamburger.

This is a man I can respect and admire, as opposed to those people who buy a high-end car only to drive it 5mph under the speed limit in the passing lane.

"Even beyond that, it's kinda wild to me that a high-profile game could end up on shelves in such a poor state." Battlefield 4

I like the Dualshock 4 but I do some things with it. Pretty much all of the time there's a Kontrolfreek on the right thumbstick. The one that I use is this:

I'll be the first to admit that RTS games/MOBA games are NOT my specialty. However, I game quite a bit (mostly action, RPG, and shooters) and like to think I understand the basics and most of the concepts. Like you, whenever a MOBA game is on, particularly LoL I'm just like ":-| Okay."