
Definitely without Cordelia... Oh different one.

A nose and what a 20" or more waist? You people are disgusting.

Mediocre white man uses the ghost of more talented black man as performance fodder during sports show that uses black men as pablum for the enjoyment of billionaires.

Has it really been 5 months since Price resigned?

He’d best keep Louise away from fire, I’m all but certain she weighs the same as a duck...


Post-Election Update: It turns out Roy Moore won’t be visiting this Mall, either.

Lots of planets have a North!

And it’s a Sci-fi show on FOX. A second season makes this a unicorn.

Shows on Fox can be renewed?

Ruth Bader Ginsbark. Dress for the job you want. ✌🏼 many stars

To be fair, a teacher who enjoys bringing science to young kids is the scariest thing Betsy could imagine.

Let’s have an Indictment Advent Calendar. Every few days, we get to open a wonderful treat from Mueller Claus.

Read the onscreen description and felt the ep stood a real chance at being the Facebook-facilitates-silos-of-idiots equiv episode to their brilliant “Margaritaville” 2008 financial meltdown ep. Then came watching and finding out that not all great premises pan out as killer satire. The idea was there and I didn’t even

Maybe he was just “presenting”to a potential mate the way baboons do?

Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.

Class was so good. The characters were really well written IMHO and I loved watching them. I fully agree though that the further away it was from Doctor Who, the better. It only held Class back.

Saw this on twitter and it made me laugh.