
The answer is simple. If there’s a God, and this God went through extreme troubles just to make sure every piece of His work was masked by a perfectly rational and natural mechanism, such that it looked like all of His creation was made through natural means, then we can safely continue to act and make decisions based

Did you forget that South America exists, or do you think that Brazil is visible enough to be representative?

Yep, and obsessively refreshing the Apple Store app to see when it’s getting here.

It rhymes with gloobs.

Yep, it only takes him saying the word “universe”. I can’t believe I missed it on the first hearing.

Wait, hotmail? Nevermind!

I would re-watch all the movies I’ve seen since then, for the first time again :)

Well, that too, but I’m sure it doesn’t hurt his popularity that he has a position in the columbia board. Which, in this case, he gets to maintain because he’s popular. sigh.

It’s not an app. It’s a contact. You text to it. It does things for you. There’s a real life breathing human being on the other end. It’s awesome. Let me know if you’d like an invite to skip the line.

it's not potato potato, you can't just dismiss something like that. I could say that your way of describing your face just really means you're ugly, just saying it in another way. The point is that it's not a way to dismiss arguments.

If I were to guess, the old characters will be there to bridge in the new ones and give it legitimacy. I'm excited to see them again, but I know the show won't be about them.

Here, have my like. Couldn't have said it better.

He is popular with the people because he has an actual degree and position, the position and degree are not taken away because he's popular.

There is absolutely no doctor that would tell you "No, you don't need to eat healthier and exercise". Hell, I was told that by MY doctor yesterday after I took a test saying I had elevated cholesterol. Didn't even tell me about pills or anything like that.

We have looked at the evidence. We've had some of the smartest people in the world look at the evidence. Evidence says Dr. Oz is full of shit. Done. Next issue.

Yes, it is. In case you haven’t noticed, third-party utilities for Mac do exist and have for a while. I don’t mind trolling too much, but please find new things to troll about. There are plenty of more relevant points to make.

I had been thinking of trying these out, but I'm surprised it hadn't been mentioned or voted on before in this thread, given how many online ads I see for them.

I had been thinking of trying these out, but I'm surprised it hadn't been mentioned or voted on before in this

Bat? It’s easier than ever to have a gun nowadays.

Thanks for letting us know. We were kinda worried there for a sec.

I can attest that the Apple Store App works. And APple Pay made it super easy to buy, almost.. too easy.