
Hi! What do you think of the new service Magic? I’ve used it a few times and I was amazed of the things they could do for me. Do you think a service like that can stick around for a while? I’m not even sure what their business model is.

Now I just get images of someone using a Pikachu's feet for measuring things.

Don't attempt to logic with them :)

Same here. I even tested it right after I read this article just to make sure. It just doesn't happen.

Well, it makes sense, if there's enough selective pressure for killing the plants that do sting, and letting the plants that don't (or do less) live longer (and reproduce more), it stands to reason eventually evolution would favor plants that sting less. Just as long as the threshold is crossed in the tradeoffs

Just make sure you don't cover any vents I guess.

My view on this, as someone who lives with his girlfriend and very happy in our current situation, is that marriage is more linked to procreation. Marriage would allow some stronger protections and stability (just legal and financial stuff) that would be beneficial at the time of making more mini-us.

Well, I'm from Paraguay, so our internet comes from whatever leftover bandwidth we get from you. So there's that... The problem is not about absolute speeds. Obviously, now that I live in the US, I'm much happier with the internet speeds than when I was in Paraguay. However, what's infuriating about the US speeds is

Super Hexagon and Duet.

Fair enough, so this is a "bring new life to old devices" kinda thing. Which, great, but it's not making great progress into unknown territory.

But from my understanding, the new PushBullet features work... only between Apple Devices, again. So it's not like it's expanding my possibilities.

Could someone explain what's the big advantage of using this over the already existing Handoff features? I mean, I can think of maybe one app (Whatsapp) that'd be nice to view notifications for in my other devices.

OH MY GOD. THIS IS AMAZING. Sorry for the caps, but this is genuinely an amazing tool. I've already installed about half of the plugins lol. And I'll probably write a few too. The best thing is able to shoot one-off terminal commands and look up man pages without needing a new terminal tab or window.

They've expanded a lot lately. You may want to take advantage of their Test Drive offer, in which they just give you a phone on their network for a week and you can take it to your usual places and see how well it performs. You may find that you have better coverage now and switch. If not, no worries, you just return

Only about 91% of all people have died. In contrast, only 50% of all Beatles have died. You can draw your own conclusions.

No, you do that by switching to Google+. *badum tss*

From what it sounds like, it wasn't really *that* hard to hack Sony. And yes, it's a child dictator with an oversized ego, with all the resources he wants. I think it's more than plausible, it's probable.

Because he himself believed in the conspiracy theories of Cancer treatment not working and instead chose to go for "naturalistic" and homeopath treatments.

It's funny that they are playing 1812 Overture (the song from V for Vendetta if you don't recognize it as such).