
As far as I'm concerned Netflix is so valuable that I wouldn't care if their prices increased.... If that helped expanding their collection and originals.

No, the airline doesn't know if you're bringing luggage at the time they sell you the ticket. As it's been said, it's more about selling out flights to certain destinations rather than actual price per pound that they have to carry. It's cheaper to send a full airplane on a longer distance than a half full plane on a

The people in marketing who think that "Sex sells" are the same people that say it can be done by monkeys. ~Don Draper

This. It is meant to show what a really skilled artist can do with this tool. It is meant to inspire other artists to use it for whatever creations they want.

If I was running Google I would totally buy out all the video ads that I could to make Facebook super annoying.

Well I wear precisely because I'm not feeling the pain... yet. I'm young and my eyes are healthy, and I'd like to keep them that way for years to come. I think they do help, I am getting a lot less headaches after work, but could be a placebo.

a) touch one button for like 10ms longer versus touching it AND doing a swipe? One action is better than the same action plus anything else.

If I'm mostly using it for movies it won't matter anyways... Movies aren't shot at higher that 24fps unless you're Peter Jackson.

Maybe. Or maybe you just have eerily similar fingerprints. Can other people unlock her phone as easily? If so... she should take it to the Apple Store and see about a replacement. Mine can't be unlocked by anybody else that has tried so far. Not even my non-registered own fingers.

If people are having problems with it, I don't know who they are. Everyone I know who has it loves it, including myself.

If you are using the Touch ID, it is literally no less convenient than no locks for 19 out of 20 times it works, and it's still more convenient 99% against a 4 pin code if you, for some reason, have to rety a couple times.

But if you were to... Here are some good deals?

Since it stands for Wireles Fidelity, it should technically be "wee-fay". That said, you should punch anyone who doesn't pronounce it "way-fay"

I wouldn't know man, haven't used that Pioneer system. But idk if thinking that it's a $300 system for $80 helps. AirPlay, Aux In and Sound Quality are really good as far as I'm concerned. I don't actually know if it has DLNA or not.

It needs to be Plugged in.

I have the Logitech UE Airplay Speaker. That thing can get LOUD. Setup was really easy, and it still has an auciliary port for non-airplay devices. I got it when it was $140, and back then I thought the price was fair. At $80, it's a steal.

I own the Logitech UE AirPlay speaker. The thing can get LOUD. Setup is really easy, and it works like a charm. And you can tell your Android using friends they can plug in to the auxiliary port if they want to use it. Like some sort of animal.

Yeah, I explicitly said you still use the cell chip that takes class and SMS. The data chip is off though. You're not using 3G to download data, which is what kills the battery.

The 60" model retails at $3k. The 55" models MSRP is about $1500. IF you are getting one, try to get a Black Friday deal like I did... I got the 55" for $825.

But your cell radio isn't on when you use WiFi. It either uses 3g/LTE/whatever or wifi. The cell radio that's on is the one that takes calls and SMS which uses soooo much less energy. And even then, WiFi uses much less power. What takes less power, sending radio waves 50ft or 2 miles?