This is the best comment I've ever read on Gizmodo.
This is the best comment I've ever read on Gizmodo.
Thanks for developing this. I'll give the trial a shot and see how it works.
What's your steam user name? I'll send you a welcome gift.
This graph shows when people are online, not necessarily when they are in game. Considering that many people have steam configured to auto-connect when windows boots, I'm guessing that the rise in online users happens in the morning because a lot of people turned them off the night before and are booting up their…
If true, this is some of the best game news I've heard all year.
I have a hard time feeling bad for this company. Not because they make bad games, but because they tried to screw their employees before going public. Reports came out that Zynga was telling employees to give up the stock options before the stock vested. Those that refused to do so were let go (or threatened that…
For games in your steam library, check out Steam Tool, it uses dynamic linking to copy files from your steam directory to another drive. I have my steam directory set to my large 3TB drive, so I can have multiple games installed at once, but choose 1 or 2 at a time to place on my 120GB SSD. I usually only have a…
Reminds me of 蜘蛛の糸 (The spider's thread) by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa. Anyone else out read his work?
VOTE: Monoprice 8320 (as seen on lifehacker:
This is a tort waiting to happen.
I don't own an xbox 360, but I do own a gaming pc and I'd buy Halo 3 & 4 if they released them for PC.
As someone who is voting for Mitt Romney, I loved this video.
I currently have three computers named:
It looks like it is back. I just logged on to steam and Doom 3 is available for $19.99
If they made it extra rugged and waterproof, it would be great as a camping, outdoor excursion phone due to the batter life it is likely to have. I could see them selling this at REI as an emergency phone.
Hey, I know this is a really old thread, but I just wanted to say thanks for bringing the drawing tablets to my attention. I just read a review on one of them and I think I might try one out.
I've owned a Brevile blender for the past 6 years (I bought mine for about $80 as well) and it has been worth every penny. I've owned other blenders in the past that were 30-40 and they broke on me within a few years. The one I have now works just as well as the blenders at the smoothy shops.
I've gotta go with David Hayter on this one.
Its a shame that they didn't normalize the data to student body size. I think that would have been a much more interesting data set since this method obviously over-emphasizes the amount of torrenting on larger campuses.