
That fact that anybody on either side believes that they are the ones coming “from a place of genuine care for this country and our fellow citizens” is why we’re having all these problems.

This sounds along the lines of the large-room events that Paizo’s Pathfinder RPG does every year at GenCon. And those last 4-5 hours. And cost about $10-12. So that certainly sounds a tad disappointing. I was initially frustrated that none of the cities they were doing it in were less 5 hours from me, but now I guess

Still one of my all-time favorite games. And I’m glad to hear Republic Commando get a shout out here. It gets far too little love and recognition. I would gladly have taken a 2nd Commando game instead of Battlefront 2. Granted, it’s looking like they’ve addressed the BF1 issues, but I’m skeptical now. They would have

I can understand that. I haven’t played Witcher 3 myself, only read much about it.

In today’s world, I recommend you compare to the average, not the outlier. It’s well known that Witcher is in a league of it’s own in some areas. Looking at the vast majority of other games out there, my statement stands.

Why? Exactly WHAT quality of life was missing from the game without those features? My wife and I have put over 200 combined hours into the game on our separate play throughs, and not ONCE did it occur to me that these particular features would have saved me some huge amount of annoyance or anything.

I understand why you want God to be that way. That’s an innate desire in all of us. To have a more powerful friend who protects us, cares for us, loves us. These are certainly things that are embedded in our souls that do in fact draw us toward God.

Wow...can’t believe these posts are still circulating around. I’m hoping for every remark like yours, that there is at least one person who is understanding God in a better way, and coming away from this article with a new appreciation for how gracious God can be if we have the desire to seek that from Him.

This is so awesome.

Could be referring to a squeeze on the profits of the whole program. I remember seeing something that the estimated cost of the Switch was somewhere around $270 to manufacture (plus normal shipping costs, etc., I would assume). If they only shipped a portion of the consoles (say 500,000 of them) by air, then they

I figured out the puzzle the “correct” way, but my wife happened to be watching me while I did it, and she had an “OH MY GOD!” moment when I moved the chest to make a connection. She proceeded to tell me about using a metal weapon, and then I had the “OH MY GOD!” moment. Ha!

Nintendo NEVER said they were planning to consolidate their console and portable markets, so I don’t know where you’re getting that from. At best, that line of thinking was based on speculation around the fan community, that Nintendo *might* make that kind of move. I think if you talked to most experts though, they

I think the argument is that isn’t something you should just “change your stance on”. If it’s actually based in “science” then there is an empirical right and wrong. Now, if there is new scientific evidence that caused Nye to change his mind on this topic, then that should be presented, in a logical and well-reasoned

It would have made a lot more sense for Nintendo to hold off on this announcement until they had something to announce regarding Virtual Console on the Switch, or an upcoming SNES Mini or something. Granted, I think the vocal minority we see here are really the only ones who will be upset about it. The NES Mini

My guess is that we won’t see a true switch-over (heh) from the Wii U displays to Switch displays until the 2017 holiday season. Most people have continued to feel like this March was a soft-launch, with a ramp up to a big holiday season.

If Nintendo made enough product for the Scalpers to stop altogether, then they are going to end up with product sitting on a shelf, not getting sold. Companies are not successful when the Supply is larger than the Demand. That’s simple economics. So, because the intention is to be a successful business, and to do that

This episode was my absolute favorite in a long line of favorite episodes lately. This show has been consistently knocking it out of the park.

Obviously, I haven’t played this yet, but I’ve been watching it for a while to see how it turns out. I’m starting to wonder....are some of us just too old to enjoy games like this anymore? This looks SO much like the DKC or Spyro type games we enjoyed in our childhood. And yes, I remember being frustrated by those

I only just got to the Lost Woods/Korok Forest for the first time a couple nights ago (yes, I’m an older gamer with too many life responsibilities...sigh). But I was really shocked and disappointed with how much issue the system seemed to have keeping up with the graphics in that area. Never really noticed anything

Go to your inventory screen, and highlight the Divine Abilities. You can switch them off altogether. ;)