
Ah, thanks for posting the whole story. Of course men can be raped and assaulted and harassed, and it’s important to ask yourself if that’s the real implication here or anywhere when women discuss assault. I may have forgotten for you, the most important piece of advice:

I’ve seen some men post “me too” statuses and my first reaction was, “another thing men must make themselves the star of.” Of course it happens to men, but for the majority of them, it was once, which doesn’t make it better, but it’s really not the same as the decades of weekly, sometimes daily incidents of unwanted

she “dyed my hair blue. Mom wasn’t a fan of this decision. She took one look at me and immediately went out to the nearest drugstore to buy a $10 box of Nice’n Easy. That night, she forced me to dye my hair back to blond.”

it’s said that their hearts shrank two sizes that day...

I don’t believe her. She is a lying liar who lies. Just like all the Trumps.

As someone with a mohawk and tattoos: We punks respectfully refuse your application to join our club.

Ripped corduroy jeans and flannel shirts” So fucking edgy, Ivanka.

Dude, I’m so sorry that happened to you. But I feel it may help you if I point out you’re under no obligation to share anything. It doesn’t make your position any less valid if you don’t, which is why some us are a little uncomfortable with #MeToo.

I’m feeling salty today.
I didn’t just #MeToo.

I’ve been horrified by the number of self-declared woke feminist men who have hijacked this to be #LetMeTellYouAboutThatOneTimeAtBandCamp. That some women are sexual predators is not the point of #MeToo. It’s not even a good counterpoint. If you’ve been sexually harassed or attacked, you should be able to post in

I hope you don’t feel like you have to participate. Everyone’s entitled to telling or not telling their stories. I myself did share the post and I managed to at least reach one person. I had a male cousin call me immediately. He told me that a couple of girls he’d dated told him they’d been abused and asked if this is

Sadly Kinja is very messed up and simply kicks to the article when I click on your link and profile has no Discussions page. What issues have you faced?

Younger LBGTQ fb friends are also posting it. It seems endemic and inescapable. I am hopeless about this. Completely and utterly hopeless.

I didn’t participate.

I participated in the #metoo fest yesterday. And yes, there was much ‘men get assaulted/ harrassed too’ and that this will change bugger all about the toxic environments we inhabit as women.

My fb feed has been full of me toos.

If you look at the comments on pretty much every article about this, it’s pretty obvious nothing will change in the long term. Why? Because for every sincere comment there’s at least one “whataboutthemen” or “I just won’t talk to women because I’m afraid” comment. Until men decide to view women as human beings, call

Nothing will come of it. It will change nothing.

#MeToo just makes me tired, because as usual, it’s women doing all the work to raise awareness. Wake me up when men decide to take action.