
The sleeves are green, and are an under shirt. His head and tail are orange.

And yet, they used the beloved Dungeon Keeper license. Something known only to 'us'.

It's a 'fuck you' from EA, plain and simple.

Now playing

It should've been changed to this a long time ago:

I think the hint was "revvv" as in revvv your engines.

Bravo. Zombies are so fucking tired....

More than one I would think (hope). I did bother to write a design document for a new Sonic game though, and if it wasn't for the fact my 2D art ability is precisely nil, I would've just done it as a fan game by now for my own amusement if nothing else. Such is life.

Sonic needed a fresh start, but this isn't it. Call me when the money runs out, Sega.

It's beyond a 'dumb kid'. It's a kid with serious mental issues.

Sorry for being an idiot.

Yes I realise that. Space shuttles being a man-made vehicle, not a mechanical alien life-form. Idiot.

FFS, Microsoft!

Yes but they are still advanced robot alien life forms. Their version of a 'chute shouldn't just be an actual 'chute. There shouldn't be any cloth on a transformer, surely?

First thoughts:

Exactly :D

Good! It's the b-movie shlock, I was going for :)

Best case scenario, we have something other than zombies, true. But commenting on a post about a new zombie game and expecting them to change the entire nature of it is probably asking a lot.

I will say, that unless they are going with true shambling zombies, then the now typical 'fast zombies' are interchangeable with

C'mon guys, think of something a bit more imaginative for your title. By that I mean think of something cool and a bit more subtle than trying to fit 'zombie' or 'Z' in there somewhere!

Just off the top of my head:

Voodoo Dawn
The Grave Robber's Lament
Meat is Back on the Menu
Food Chain

I bought both the EE's out of nostalgia, and while the fixes to the old game are wonderful, the new content isn't that great. I remember a quest added where you have to find and feed a bunch of cats on the map - shamelessly straight from WoW's playbook and unbecoming of such a masterful RPG series, really.

I'm far more