
That bird transformation looks so stupid.

Music is part of the experience. Go sit in the corner if you don’t like it : )

He doesn’t need context or explanation. It’s a comment on a post, not a thesis statement. You’re free to challenge it, sure, but to act like there’s a rule about what to post or how to post is silly. If his comment triggers an emotional reaction from you or anyone else, the issue lies with reaction, not the original

Yeah. Playstation Now is a rip off considering you could download PS1 games on the PS3 for 5 dollars, which is the price of a 4 hour rental on PS Now. I hate that service and it needs to go away.

I’ve never understood the mentality from people like you that think that if someone has a differing/negative opinion on a post or article, they shouldn’t comment, or they’re hating. It’s a very ignorant perspective. He’s entitled to comment just as much as you are and it’s as simple as that. Saying he wasn’t impressed

Wished they used Ryu’s vocals from the original arcade instead of this new, gutteral sounding voice.

All the more reason for a Director’s Cut of Bioshock: Infinite on the PS4 and XB1.

So Hawkmoon and Vex are OP as well? There’s a difference between being effective and being OP. There are tons of powerful weapons and abilities in the game. They lowered the damage at range, btw, as well as the damage over time.

The final shot was still done by a player...It’s funny how wrong you are about this. I’d like to see your Destiny stats.

Thorn’s initial damage is less that other hand cannons. The damage over time makes it equal, it’s just dealt out differently. In a game where you can completely get the drop on someone, have them at a sliver of health, and then they suddenly Titan Slam and kill you (even though you did everything right and should have

Agreed. It takes 3 shots to kill with thorn. It takes 3 shots to kill with Hawkmoon. It takes 3 bursts to kill with one of the new ToO pulse rifles. It’s a good gun. I’ve been using Thorn since before the buff and think it’s funny how much people are suddenly raging over it. It’s been like this for months and it’s

This artwork is terrible.

You mean the same Quicksilver who swore to kill the Avengers because of Tony Stark, then forgot completely about his vengeance once Ultron revealed he was going to destroy the world? When characters are written so poorly, it’s impossible to care about them.

*3720 :)

I just think it’s funny the the same people who love the Fast and Furious movies and wax poetic about how they’re just supposed to be mindless entertainment and fun, will bash Michael Bay every chance they get.

While the mods on PC are impressive, what you’re describing just sounds stupid.

Horrible rapper. Even more horrible actor. The world is a better place because of this.

What's the deal with revealing everything about the game prior to launch? IGN just did a "First 25 minutes of Mortal Kombat X", and here we have "ZOMG ALMOST ALL THE FATALITIES!" Previews used to do just that, preview the game, not reveal every single aspect of it. Part of the fun is discovering fatalities for the

Your comment makes no sense. Go watch what is considered to be one of the best crime movies ever made.

Articles like this always assume that quitting is a good idea. I was unjustly fired 9 months ago and despite doing everything this article suggests, have yet to land another job in my field. It's so bad that I've had to return to bartending, something I thought I left behind years ago