Lasse Graverholt

I grew up in a very isolated place in Labrador, Canada. It was basically a military base with a civilian population of maybe 2500. The next nearest community was about 200km away... by logging road. The best bet was to take a ferry to Newfoundland if you wanted to see Civilization. There were only a few

Pass the popcorn.

Man. Windows XP is getting old.

Ok guys.... will we be able to track this one or did they not include that service?

The biggest problem with USB based chargers is we all simply assume they are all the same wattage because it's USB. No other markers or indicators are on USB to state the wattage to know there might too much, or not enough, juice going through it.

Needs more Rockomax Jumbo-64s on there, preferably in an asparagus staging.


I'm neither a doctor or a scientist but even I know that hearts are restarted by using electric shock. Using the transitive property of duh I think it's safe to say that electric shocks can cause cardiac arrest. Also according to the swipe keyboard on my phone they cause cardigan and catfish arrest.

IANAS(Sailor), but I read that the "knots" in the line were created by tying one at every arm length. This is obviously a huge variable and was later standardized, but this same line could be used with a weight attached to drop over board and measure depth(a fathom was about 6 ft).

LFM Ordos

Getting people to come look at your space will always be more interesting than parking your car in front of other spaces people want to go look at.

No Kerbals were lost on the flight of this vehicle at KSC.

Some say he is an experiment thant sprung forth in the deepest basement of the bbc. All we know he is our tamed racing driver.. hes called the stig ;)

Do you watch Top Gear?

Just because you say it can't happen doesn't mean it couldn't have happened. You're one of those "must have an explanation for everything" kinda idiot. The problem with people like you is you have selective learning. You only see what you want to see and will disprove any evidence with your own made up BS. IMO,

if the objective is to find life, what is the point if it can not identify chemical substance from light?
so that we can say that we found an earth side planet but we have no way to know if it suitable for life, and we need a more expensive telescope to ...?

Makin love for two.... for twoooooo minuets!
Because with me you only need two minuets...
Two minuets in Heaven is better than one minuet in Heaven.
