
I disagree solely because Apple over prices things that are under powered. I don't need a 600 dollar Wii U, I'm fine with the one I have. Apple would be a bad choice.

There is no reason not to believe it'll be tacked onto the front of MGS5 like the Tanker chapter was to MGS2.

That pun was totally intended

I actually really like this method. It doesn't IMMEDIATELY punish you, so people with poor internet can have some leeway and go like "oh, okay, probably shouldn't play right now".

She has and it's hilarious.

I think we will. Also this will be the FIFTH voice actress she's ever had, unless they bring in the fourth game's voice actor (which they did for everyone but Sly, it seems.)

They're not gonna blow their load just yet. If they show us Carmalita Fox right away, they won't have anything major to show off later down the line.

Raccoon. And it died.

That's insane. When Kickstarter first blew up a few years back, it was seen as a means for people to get games made outside the traditional publisher system. It was a way to let anyone make a game, so long as their idea was a popular one.

That is literally one of the most horrifying things I can imagine. Being on the other side of that door, pleading for him to not do it, and then...hearing it.

This is true, but keep in mind it also had a save system so you could log out of you got something bullshit like that.

Well that's a shame, since you're missing out on some good games.

Square is the only company that I'm aware of that does RPGs and doesn't put in the Japanese voices as chooseable. I see where you're coming from though.

Everything MMO related that is of good quality should remind you of .hack

How is it an afterthought? Other, better (and WORSE) games have had both audio tracks as usable. Why should they have to "put it back in" as paid DLC?

It should be free forever. It's the fucking Japanese audio. Charging extra for it is bullshit.

John Cleese plays Cadwell, the cheerful and endearingly mad lost soul who is not afraid of anyone, even a Daedric Prince. Joining the cast as High King Emeric, Bill Nighy portrays a merchant prince whose luck and determination won him the throne. Kate Beckinsale takes on the role of Queen Ayrenn, the leader of the

Yes, it was. And that's part of why it wasn't released in the west and instead had a game instead be modified into Super Mario USA.

It shouldn't be DLC. The Japanese voice work should not be DLC.

No...they're not. The original Super Mario for the NES had strange jumping and momentum physics, and was purely moving left to right.