"Tim we dropped your helmet in this thorn bush."

Great to have an NBA season.

360 until I bought a PS3 and bought the Show instead.

Yes. I did. And it was ridden with problems. They did improve, but "improve" in that series is balls not hitting outfielders who don't feel like getting a glove up in the head.

Alternate gameplan: They could try to make the game actually good this year

Pedro Gomez explained his Bill Mueller vote and it ended up making less sense.

He said on Twitter he votes who he feels should be in. Then said something about essentially voting for Mueller because he is a nice guy.

Also last time I was there. Jimmy Fallon's sweater from Fever Pitch was there.... on display

Gomez voted for Mueller, didn't use all the slots and left off Raines, Martinez and Bagwell.

Oh no Rice shouldn't be in.

Woody Williams is up next year and had a higher WAR than Mueller!

He's a kind guy though!

Pedro Gomez is only hurting my brain more on Twitter defending his Bill Mueller Hall of Fame vote

I would like everyone to read the reviews. Because they are pure art

Not pinball. Now spinball on the other hand...

Microsoft more like MICRO$OFT

Is Josh Smith ever going to figure out what a terrible shot is?

God damn you

Darwin Cook now qualifies to be a Fruit Fucker 2000