Adebisi's hat

The wage gap simply describes the income of the average female worker compared to the income of the average male worker. It doesn't control for things like industry, position, seniority, credentials, or hours worked per week.

As much as I sincerely care about the gender wage gap (and, of course, the fact that it's more pronounced if you're a minority as well as a woman), I am way more concerned about income inequality at the moment, since I think it's happening to the degree that it will, oh, I don't know, cause society to collapse if it

The idea that the pay gap will shrink in a predictable way over the next half-century seems really dubious to me.

This whole article seems like a giant "all men are potential rapist" thing to me rather than an advice column.

Thank God there are great and successful leaders like Kobe Bryant and Ben Roethlisburger to guide us through these dark days of sports.

I can't imagine what it must feel like to have one's own mother think of you as a potential rapist...it must be emotionally devastating.

I dunno, man. Just yesterday this one was teaching me how to steal from grocery stores!

I grew up in a house with 2 brothers, no sisters, with my mother and father. For some reason it never needed explaining to us not to rape people or respect their personal boundaries. We had our own, didn't want people violating them so we in turn didn't violate others.

*I Meant - the real story behind it is prob messy

The new Supes is clearly an alternate costume for Shingo.

Looks to me that Supes would fit in with the cast of King of Fighters now. Just give him a bomber jacket and make sure he asks people if they are ok before he wrecks them.

True, I should have stated something along the lines of "Most Porn" doesn't promote healthy sexual activities.

I'm not saying this as a nun mind you, but from an objective stand point.

That looks like Jaden Smith's tweets strung together into a blog post.

the baby is me & the glorious dancing apes were those sentences

DeMarco Murray is flying to Philadelphia this morning with the expectation he will be an Eagle

I agree that we need to break down gender norms and challenges society's preconceptions and norms. But as for this situation, it seems a little victim-shame-y to say "but also girls shouldn't expect to be pursued so much, and should try asking out guys". Of course sexism and stereotypes are all woven together, and as

This just go as the same argument

GTAV is only played by sleeping mass murderers

I'm not straight, but I am a woman who enjoys this stuff and yeah, agree with everything you said.

You must read carefully, my young and Ethical Padawan. Blocking leads to censorship and censorship leads to the Ess Jay Double-yew Dark Side. These Feminazis have experimented with censorship on Twitter with an auto blocking script, and it denies many of the First Amendment Free Speech rights of members of my