Adebisi's hat

I've been doing this challenge for my personal reading this year and I'd like to share some of my recent recommendations if anyone's looking for something:

No, this is stupid. Excluding people of a certain race/gender as an attempt to gain a wider perspective and read different experiences is not racism. If people were to exclude them because they felt that books written by white men are inherently inferior, you might have a point, but nobody is doing that so it's

As a UPS worker for 15 years, I can say many of the delays customers complain about are not really our fault. You would be astounded at how many people mess up a single digit on a package that causes it to be delayed; companies that moved months or even years ago yet haven't told their regular shipping places their

I think this is Sotho (definitely not Afrikaans), but it is definitely a bit scarier when you realize one of the muggers was armed. From what I can tell, one of the film crew tells the reporter the mugger is pointing a gun at him, and at that point they hand over their phones, wallets etc.

You can only copyright the melody and the lyrics in a song, not the cowbell, chord progression, rhythm, bass line, or anything else (and those were mostly different between the two songs, anyways). These two songs did not have the same melody or lyrics. You say they didn't capture the feel of the Marvin Gaye song,

Part of me doesn't comprehend how this could happen. Then I remember that I saw Chappie last weekend and that took place in J-Burg so maybe the criminal element represented in that movie isn't too far from how things actually are in that city.

Whenever Blurred Lines came on the radio two summers ago I turned it way up and car danced.

Which SAE chapter did you attend?

Guy in red

As I mentioned over at Groupthink, I hope if this will allow other cases like this to be either reopened or get more credence. Bands and performers like Led Zeplin, Black Eyed Peas, Metallica, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Oasis, Green Day, Radiohead, The Beatles, John Williams and Madonna really deserve to be done for being

The mugging really livened things up for the reporter, who looked pretty Boer'd beforehand.

he's much more interesting in the actual single player game; the writing for this cutscene was quite shallow though.

As an airline pilot you don't make as much money as your brother-in-law thinks, you don't have as much time off as your neighbor think and you do not have as much girlfriends is your wife thinks. But I still can't believe that they pay me do do that.

The problem is that when something does go wrong, it really goes wrong.

I'm in IT. A lot of the time, I have no idea what the problem is. However, I know how to use Google very well.

I feel like women generally let their wounds heal in private. The difference is that women aren't socialized to be the pursuers in relationships, so there's not that expectation. Men are socialized to believe that they have to go after women hard because women don't really know what they want. Women are socialized to

Kind of interesting that we have to deal with the "rejected males." Why are males always the ones who have to be rejected? I would just like to hear more stories of women who were rejected by men and how they handled it.

I'm shocked these dudes could stop jerking each other off (literally) long enough to sexually assault a bunch of puck bunnies. Low life scum who traditionally get off Scott free have been getting in trouble lately so hopefully Jr hockey gets caught in the drag net of justice.

"They're good boys, they just get a little rambunctious sometimes is all. It's not like those basketball thugs..."