Adebisi's hat

I agree! I think Drake is the absolute worst, sometimes almost worse than straight-up misogy dudes cause at least you know where they're coming from.

Now playing

Just gonna leave this here because not enough people have seen it and it's too funny:

OH GOD (Big Sean voice), you're a lame. Do you also get upset at The Onion articles you read? Did you think that Nabokov is actually a pedophile?

What??? I love J. Cole! I thought 2014 Forrest Hills Drive was his best work to date. Some of the lyrics are problematic, no doubt, but I think he has a decent flow and I appreciate him talking about issues that don't fall under the status quo of rap.

Yeah, was gonna say, needs more pictures of his tiny little baby human GF

IDFWU is such an odd song. From the rip off of Iggy Azaelia's "I'm so Fancy" texture to the improvisatory-sounding hook with little to no planned out structure, it has this weird honesty to it that makes it appealing to me.


Dark Sky Paradise is garbage imo. I've always found Big Sean to be wack. Why he's so popular is a mystery to me.

That concept though. Like, holy shit that's funny.

I'm almost willing to excuse his bad behavior, because in the grand scheme of things, he is FAR from the worst dude in the hip-hop game.

Part nice guy, part misogynist = pretty typical male

I think it's probably bc his album came out recently?

This is where I stopped reading....

Wow..... I'm about to cry.

Since birds are still dinosaurs, here's a picture of a human riding a dinosaur

Good lord, you've seen like 2 minutes of footage in a long movie that supposedly has significant talky bits. I'm sure Jarvis will be mentioned. Calm down.

Um, can we talk about how E! News has misused the word shade YET AGAIN?! How many times must they appear in front of Judge Kara before they learn?!

My fellow hoes disappoint me.

Or that they just look awful, for the most part. If I want to masturbate, there's a whole internet of actual porn, or if I'm so inclined I can find rule 34 of any of the characters he redesigned.