
Or Red Dead [some other word] to keep with the Revolver/Redemption trend.

All I know about Kingdom Hearts is that I got III from Game Pass, started a game, and sat through 20 minutes of random anime nonsense while still not actually playing a game.

Or a worse game.

I know it’s not this year but I’ll argue forever that “Red Dead Redemption 2” is a remarkably stupid name for a prequel.

They should have banned @RealDonaldTrump years ago. The only account that should be subject to the special “public figure” exception is @POTUS.

Why not direct your readers to buy some lawn darts or a Bag o’ Broken Glass while you’re at it?

Why not direct your readers to buy some lawn darts or a Bag o’ Broken Glass while you’re at it?

I wish this article did not exist.

Rian Johnson gave you the best Star Wars movie since ESB, but okay.

Love to invest in currency that can’t be used to buy things.

Joel Kinnaman was sofuckinggood in S1 that really anything else would be a letdown. It felt like Anthony Mackie was phoning it in.

The “engineered” part isn’t missing. Facebook and EA are hard at work making sure we keep pushing the right lever to get a food pellet.

I got a solid two or three bust-out laughs per episode of Space Force, which is significantly more than I get out of pretty much any other “comedy” show. I thought it was great.

Anyone who says Speed Racer is bad is just fucking wrong.

Ray tracing is simply not worth the performance hit.

I don’t understand how the former Gawker sites continue to defend outing gay people and publishing celebrity sex videos.

This horrid design is the “Emperor’s New Clothes” of this technology generation. So much delusion justifying this ridiculous monstrosity that doesn’t even cool the hardware that well.

Well, the new champ is Europa in Destiny 2. They’ve introduced dynamic weather for the first time and getting caught in a blizzard is nothing short of incredible.

On the other hand, anyone who still served the Empire after Endor probably had it coming. They weren’t in power that point you’re just an asshole.

Yup, I figure at some point Din will be cast out and we will continue down the Samurai/Ronin path that this show is so obviously emulating.

Maybe I just didn’t understand the mechanics of it but why would an Imperial terminal be fine with a random person downloading information? It scanned Din’s face. We’re guessing he wasn’t in the system, either as an Imperial or an enemy, so why was it okay to just take highly secretive coordinates? Seemed odd.