
Hair flip post?

It was a really good episode (the last one was too) but I’m so glad it’s over. The tournament of power arc was 10 episodes too long and the universe 7 team did way too much. Other universes should have been the ones to knock some people out.

That would be completely out of character for him at this point.

Sure the demon dance can’t be stopped, but Heather also went in afterwards for some triangle combo which was definitely unnecessary.

The bar fills/empties really fast though, and DB sharpness isn’t the best, so wasting hits on a dead monster isn’t really worth it...

I’ve kept a copy of Heroes 3 Complete installed for over 2 decades since I can always enjoy a good game of Heroes 3 while I veg out to anime.

They don’t believe in it. They never have. It’s why they push so hard for mergers that lead to monopolies.

The office has been tense today...

So I’ve seen two of these articles now (this one and MHW) and am working under the assumption that it’s going to be a new feature you’re going to do more often.

Agreed. I hate her and everything she stands for, but that one statement was actually ok.

I’d also recommend Crimson Grey and (if it actually gets published, they were having problems with steam) Desecration of Wings. Both games focus on creating good stories where sex is part of the world not the entirety of it.

I can’t handle mushrooms very well (always have stomach problems when eating them). Is there anything else I could use to get a similar effect?

Eh I like to try things myself and I collect physical copies of games. I have every other release of Secret of Mana and I don’t feel like breaking the collection because this one is bad. I said I’d buy it used for a reason. I don’t want to support Square for a shitty game.

I was really worried this was going to be the case. A few people I knew were excited for this, but the overwhelming majority were a little turned off by the initial trailer. I’ll still probably buy a used copy or something though...

These people use their faith as a weapon and a shield but only for the parts of it they like. Anything they deem fun is unimportant to condemn. Whatever that faith is though, it sure as fuck ain’t Catholicism cause they break every rule imaginable.

You can also throw the dragonator right from the start. They don’t tell you, but you can.

It definitely is for Zorah. You’re never fighting him. You fight rocks and shoot cannons instead.

Recovery of an MMO Junkie should have been in the final spot. Kiss Him Not Me was all right but it isn’t even in the same class as the others imo.

For me a lot of the newer monster felt really gimmicky or generic and Xeno was the worst offender. Only Vaal was really good, though bazel and tobi are ok as well.

Thanks :) I saw the linked articles title and where it was from and assumed (bad I know) that it wasn’t going to go into the backstory of the election.